BaltimoreBadger23 t1_itu87m3 wrote
Reply to comment by popsickle_in_one in TIL The European 30 Years' War 1618 - 1648 began with Czech nobles throwing two Habsburg governors out of Prague castle window onto a huge dungheap. The corresponding carnage - fought over the issue of religious freedom following the Protestant Reformation - left millions dead. by Royal_Bumblebee_
My favorite part is Poland and Sweden as arch enemies. Did not see that coming.
BaltimoreBadger23 t1_it25ppm wrote
Reply to comment by Juhavas in What has 127 teeth and a monster behind it? by AbbreviationsOdd589
Well, there's not anything else taking up space.
BaltimoreBadger23 t1_isknxv8 wrote
Reply to Car Towed during Footrace - now missing by Regentwood
Call the impound lot.
BaltimoreBadger23 t1_iriby4i wrote
Reply to comment by jjnefx in Pot twist: Cannabis firm refuses federal judge's ruling because its business isn't legal under federal law by Doc_Dante
Not only that, but if that defense somehow worked, it would mean no one would rent to dispensaries, basically killing the whole business or only allowing those with enough capital to purchase a location to enter into the business.
BaltimoreBadger23 t1_irh568i wrote
Reply to comment by cornonthekopp in Calvin so sexy by Ultraxxx
Something over which the exec has no authority.
BaltimoreBadger23 t1_irgyo8x wrote
Reply to Calvin so sexy by Ultraxxx
Wow, what a highly misleading campaign by Kittleman. This is why he lost almost 60-40 4 years ago. The County Executive has virtually no authority over the school board. Also test scores are down because students missed almost a year of in person instruction. There is no indication that schools are less safe, but classy of Kittleman to do it right after the scare at River Hill.
Want better schools? Vote Newberger and stay far from Adler.
BaltimoreBadger23 t1_ir9riby wrote
Reply to PSA: Flying out of BWI by kl00
What airline for bag check? Southwest has a pretty good system.
BaltimoreBadger23 t1_itv8a8u wrote
Reply to comment by Polymarchos in TIL The European 30 Years' War 1618 - 1648 began with Czech nobles throwing two Habsburg governors out of Prague castle window onto a huge dungheap. The corresponding carnage - fought over the issue of religious freedom following the Protestant Reformation - left millions dead. by Royal_Bumblebee_
I haven't really studied this particular era, but I know Poland was a jerk. I just didn't realize they pissed off the Swedes.