BaltimoreBanksy t1_jdec4s8 wrote
Reply to comment by cam_m151 in Inner harbor restaurants. by Disastrous_Food_6973
Got my Christmas tiramisu from Vaccaros and it was a religious experience.
BaltimoreBanksy t1_jdcmx3s wrote
Reply to comment by ViolentEastCoastCity in Inner harbor restaurants. by Disastrous_Food_6973
Bubba Gump has been closed for more than a year FYI. Hooters is legit the only thing left in that Harborfront building.
That said, I think most of the Inner Harbor is for tourists. People who come into the city from elsewhere and are looking for things that feel familiar. It’s that and empty storefronts. I agree with everyone suggesting that you bop over the Fells.
BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jdckuq0 wrote
Reply to comment by ASK_ME_AB0UT_L00M in What does this tag on our streetlight mean? by BaltimoreBanksy
Oh my god, this is fantastic news. Thank you!
BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jd9yo5r wrote
Reply to comment by Fine-Blacksmith-9330 in What does this tag on our streetlight mean? by BaltimoreBanksy
It’s a streetlight tho
BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jd8zlgx wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in What does this tag on our streetlight mean? by BaltimoreBanksy
Yep. She’s got patina
BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jd8zb22 wrote
Reply to comment by Oldladyweirdo in What does this tag on our streetlight mean? by BaltimoreBanksy
Last summer my husband climbed up and put black contact paper on the part of the light that faces our house to help dim it. We have cafe lights, so the blinding LED is really unnecessary- especially given that it is directly outside our bedroom window. Kinda feels like the city didn’t really consider the residents living next to these lights before deciding that we all needed 10,000 lumens.
BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jd8d5vk wrote
I was hoping it is going to get painted, but my husband suspects it’s because the bulb has burnt out and they’re planning to replace it. Given how unpleasantly bright the light is, I hope to god that’s not the case.
BaltimoreBanksy t1_jcyjady wrote
Cut the whole thing out. Then you’ll have straight lines when you go to replace the sheet rock. It’s also faster.
BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jdhgi5i wrote
Reply to comment by getabrainLUANN in What does this tag on our streetlight mean? by BaltimoreBanksy
Mystery solved. Our neighbors let us know the old lady mid block called 311 nonstop to report the light was dark. For safety. So, I guess it’s time to get the blackout curtains out.