BarnabyWoods t1_iwrx9am wrote
Reply to comment by whidbeysounder in What’s this about? *Walgreens in Gig Harbor* by discodawg02
Damned red tape just never ends!
BarnabyWoods t1_iw0jqbz wrote
Reply to comment by DaneCz123 in Federal government restarts effort to restore grizzly bears to Washington’s rugged North Cascades by Elijah_nicholas
>some are in the north cascades already
Last one was seen in 1996. There's been a lot of monitoring since then in NCNP, with no confirmed sightings, hair, tracks, or scat, so I don't think so.
BarnabyWoods t1_ivvfwsn wrote
Reply to Are there Basalts in Western Washington? by Spaceman9800
There are a number of places in the Olympics where pillow basalt is exposed. Pillow basalt forms when lava erupts under the sea. One place you can see it is along Hurricane Ridge Rd.
BarnabyWoods OP t1_iv8w961 wrote
Reply to comment by BigMoose9000 in New dwellings in Washington state must be warmed by heat pumps, rather than furnaces, beginning in July, state board rules Friday by BarnabyWoods
Whether the manufacturer is still in business or not, the fact is that the panels aren't going to be hazardous waste in 20 years. They're still going to be pumping out power. And I don't know what Bill Maher's problem was, but it only took me a couple of weeks to get the permit for our solar install. Nobody I know who's put up home solar in Washington has any delays from permitting. So you hate solar? Fine, don't buy it, and keep paying your big electric bills. But spare us this Newsmax bullshit.
BarnabyWoods OP t1_iv8vnvh wrote
Reply to comment by the_other_b in New dwellings in Washington state must be warmed by heat pumps, rather than furnaces, beginning in July, state board rules Friday by BarnabyWoods
We have no backup furnace for ours, but we do have a propane fireplace that we sometimes use to take the chill off quickly.
BarnabyWoods OP t1_iv8gur0 wrote
Reply to comment by BigMoose9000 in New dwellings in Washington state must be warmed by heat pumps, rather than furnaces, beginning in July, state board rules Friday by BarnabyWoods
>Current solar panels have a useful lifespan of around 20 years, after which they're hazardous waste.
This is untrue. The SilFab panels (made in Bellingham, by the way) I just put on my roof are guaranteed to maintain 97% of their efficiency for 30 years. They don't become waste after that point, their efficiency just slowly drops off. They'll likely still be pumping out plenty of power for decades longer.
As for your claim that there's a shortage of raw materials, I bought mine 6 months ago, with no delay in promised delivery date. And I don't know what you mean by "look at how that's working out" in California. California's power costs are about triple those of Washington's, so the typical payback period of home solar is only about 6 or 7 years. You'd be stupid not to buy a house with solar in California.
BarnabyWoods OP t1_iv8fx3m wrote
Reply to comment by helldeskmonkey in New dwellings in Washington state must be warmed by heat pumps, rather than furnaces, beginning in July, state board rules Friday by BarnabyWoods
Yeah, but with utility scale solar the consumer is still buying the power at market rates from the utility. If you own the panels on your roof your utility pays you for the power you feed into the grid. You can come close to zeroing out your electic bill.
BarnabyWoods OP t1_iv8aews wrote
Reply to comment by CobraPony67 in New dwellings in Washington state must be warmed by heat pumps, rather than furnaces, beginning in July, state board rules Friday by BarnabyWoods
Our PUD gave us an $800 credit for retrofitting with heat pumps.
BarnabyWoods OP t1_iv8aaqf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New dwellings in Washington state must be warmed by heat pumps, rather than furnaces, beginning in July, state board rules Friday by BarnabyWoods
What science are you talking about that's "been ignored"?
BarnabyWoods OP t1_iv70m8t wrote
Reply to comment by fuzzywuzzy1988 in New dwellings in Washington state must be warmed by heat pumps, rather than furnaces, beginning in July, state board rules Friday by BarnabyWoods
Yeah, but they're still more efficient than conventional forced air. The best low-temp heat pumps are 188% efficient at 0 F.
BarnabyWoods t1_iv702v1 wrote
Reply to comment by Gofigurepipes in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
IT'S SOCIALISM! Any true American would rather see his granny die than accept a government check.
BarnabyWoods t1_iv656k7 wrote
Reply to comment by DarkHelmet112 in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
I emailed Smiley to ask one simple question: Who won the presidential election in 2020? No response, of course.
BarnabyWoods t1_iub455q wrote
Reply to Lose something at Colchuck Lake? by 4Dcookie
Try posting on
BarnabyWoods t1_isr2u3h wrote
Reply to Anyone Seen These Snails Recently? by LapisOre
It's always worth checking iNaturalist for stuff like this:
BarnabyWoods t1_is83oqr wrote
Reply to comment by Perenially_behind in Port Townsend this evening by BKlounge93
>Huge numbers of roads that don't exist.
But many of those are now public trails, so all those 19th Century dreams left a nice legacy.
BarnabyWoods t1_irykfos wrote
Reply to comment by woodsonthemountain in My little girl at Cascade National Park! by forlaughingtime
It's actually called Ross Lake National Recreation Area.
BarnabyWoods t1_iqt3qnx wrote
Reply to comment by BucketteHead in Alternative Heating Options by gallopingants
>A cheaper option would be to check the insulation in your attic.
True. But what matters even more than insulation is air leaks around doors, window & foundations. Getting a whole-house pressure test done will identify those leaks.
BarnabyWoods t1_j0cza8n wrote
Reply to Devil's Bathtub in Duffield, Virginia. 7/4/21. [4032x3024] [OC] by Berryfly04
Just read a novel in which this exact place was featured: Demon Copperhead, by Barbara Kingsolver.