
Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyp7f3w wrote

How very selfish of artists to not want their work used - without credit, consent, or compensation - to build platforms that fuck over their business model.

What kind of monster doesn't want big tech corporations to build incredibly lucrative businesses using the unpaid labor of independent workers?

StOp BrEaKiNg mY tOyS, yOu LUDDITES!


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyc285b wrote

Most Americans were lean when I was growing up.

I remember that we spent more time outdoors than people seem to, nowadays.

Army recruiters had an easier job.

Diabetes was more rare.

There were rich people and poor people, mean people and kind people...

"Body positivity" was an unknown phrase. Fat shaming was more culturally accepted.

Maybe being a bunch of lazy fatasses will be the thing that saves us.

The horror shows of WWI and WWII would have been a lot more complicated to produce, if only we had all been a bunch of fat fucks.

Ain't nobody got time to dig trenches or try to outrun bullets when they are tubby.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyc1tnm wrote

Man, I was born beautiful. I cannot prove this, but my momma and grandma insist it is true, and I choose to believe them.

My favorite things to do have nothing to do with my looks.

I prefer solitude, reading books, and creating the best art I can with the meager talents I have developed. I sometimes volunteer in my community, which makes me happy and might sometimes also help others.

How you look should take a backseat to what you do, regardless.

All I know is, if you aren't beautiful on the inside, then you will not be more fuckable in a post-pretty world.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iybyu5b wrote

Maybe work on developing a more beautiful inner you today, because that is all that will matter when the metaverse is a reality and you can choose to look like a supermodel - or a wolpertinger, or whatever suits your fancy.

Volunteer in your community.

Do kind things for people with nothing to offer you.

Try to be a light in the darkness.

And stop comparing yourself to others.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_ixoekz6 wrote

Yes, lots of us can draw hands. It just takes a little practice.

Art students can learn passable hands within a semester.

Honestly, if you already know how to create digital art, there are so many existing resources for bashing together exactly what you want quickly and efficiently that the hype suggesting SD is going to eat everything is just boring nonsense.

Art AIs are impressive, but they are still quite limited in what they are genuinely useful for.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_ixij6lt wrote

You can say that about literally any invention.

The stirrup gave horse riders lateral support, making it easier for them to stay in the saddle. This invention also enabled men to wear heavy armor while astride a horse, and deliver the full power of horse and rider with a lance blow. Thus the tactics of battle changed, and with them the sociopolitical landscape...

If humans have proven one thing, it is that we can always find a way to weaponize any innovation.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_ixihwwb wrote

AI generated art and music are the perfect creative solution for an authoritarian state. Without human artists and thinkers for the public to idealize, the state has fewer potential concerns about independent thinkers becoming a center of focus or catalyst for change.

No wonder the Chinese government is throwing money at AIs that can monopolize creative fields!


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iv2b7tf wrote

You know, in some parts of the world creatives and original thinkers get put against a wall and shot.

Unfettered imaginations > free minds > free societies.

In the civilized world, we do not murder creative people. We simply rob them of all purpose, denigrate true originality, push cynicism as a form of rebellion, and brain wash them as youths into thinking that the most subversive thing they can do is blow their brains out with drugs.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iv10es0 wrote

Dude, fuck everything about that.

Reading nightly bedtime stories to my kid from the time she was six months old until she was almost 12 years old was an awesome bonding experience that I would never relinquish to a goddamn bot.

Automating real work so you have time to create stronger families and children with better mental health is where it's at.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_ius4osn wrote

>Cells are pretty warm. It would be difficult to maintain any sort of quantum coherence at these temps on the spatial scale of a whole cell.

How does it follow that just because we cannot achieve the desired quantum effects at these temps with our current tech, 3.7 billion years of evolution could not?


Baron_Samedi_ t1_ituzoz1 wrote

Sure, and if you are an AGI trying to bootstrap your intelligence/abilities at an accelerating rate, why not work out tech that enables you to take advantage of a network of the biological computational systems that designed you in the first place?


Baron_Samedi_ t1_ituht7d wrote

Our brains are pretty awesome computational devices. The most complex objects in the known universe. Good enough at what they do to harvest and sort vast quantities of information and render the reality we experience.

Augmented and hooked directly into the net, they should enable us to ride the cresting waves of the singularity along with our machines, if we so choose.