BartholomewBandy t1_j1ifkgj wrote
Reply to comment by ElSalto87 in which actor you hated before but grew to love? by Patient_Ad4191
Matthew McConaughey..I see you’re wearing a shirt, are you ok?
BartholomewBandy t1_j0od89y wrote
Reply to comment by ElJefe54 in Hardest Drop In Music History? by therealfunky63
Listening to a lot of Airplane lately.
BartholomewBandy t1_ius71ol wrote
Reply to comment by Atilim87 in When it comes to Cuba's military victory at the Bay of Pigs, does Che Guevara deserve any credit or should it be assigned exclusively to Castro's leadership? by Anglicanpolitics123
France in 44? South Pacific, same time? Never?
BartholomewBandy t1_iujrweb wrote
Reply to comment by Philboyd_Studge in TIL: An advertising company wanted to use Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire in a Hemorrhoid commercial by jmoney6
Exactly what kind of ring of fire are we talking about?
BartholomewBandy t1_iugo7ye wrote
Reply to comment by azuth89 in Can't fit any wrenches to under the handle to turn water off in my bathroom sink. by Goe_Phaste
Yeah, that’s the HF rule. If I’m gonna use it once…
BartholomewBandy t1_iugn3kk wrote
Reply to comment by Goe_Phaste in Can't fit any wrenches to under the handle to turn water off in my bathroom sink. by Goe_Phaste
There’s a reason harbor freight stuff is cheap…
BartholomewBandy t1_iugmnkw wrote
Reply to When you see an actor who seems familiar, do you feel like you need to KNOW who he played before? by fabrizziop17
I go to Wikipedia. Love to cross reference.
BartholomewBandy t1_iu0sc5m wrote
Reply to comment by somajones in Basically what the Roth era was. Van halen (1978) by dutchiedudeguy
The initial One Way to Rock theory, originally proposed on the Standing Hampton album, has been supplanted by Six Ways to Rock as outlined in Sammy’s book “Ways to Rock”. There have been, however, several studies indicating the possibility of a seventh way to rock. These studies are awaiting peer review.
BartholomewBandy t1_iu0ktmc wrote
Reply to comment by turborontti in Basically what the Roth era was. Van halen (1978) by dutchiedudeguy
I finally saw VH in 2015 with DLR and he was way past his sell by date. Loved it, crazy grandpa singing songs I knew by heart. Getting a set of early material made it worth while. They started with Light up the Sky, which is a favorite for me. Eddie made it look so damn easy…
BartholomewBandy t1_iu0grmm wrote
Reply to comment by turborontti in Basically what the Roth era was. Van halen (1978) by dutchiedudeguy
Roth was also a much better writer. Clever and funny. Sammy wrote “only time will tell if we stand the test of time”….(sighs) Sammy could sing, but I couldn’t care what he was saying. Seems like a good guy, though.
BartholomewBandy t1_itw28lu wrote
Reply to comment by MurderDoneRight in TIL The European 30 Years' War 1618 - 1648 began with Czech nobles throwing two Habsburg governors out of Prague castle window onto a huge dungheap. The corresponding carnage - fought over the issue of religious freedom following the Protestant Reformation - left millions dead. by Royal_Bumblebee_
Tattoo on the lower back says Welcome.
BartholomewBandy t1_itw1zva wrote
Reply to comment by TyrKiyote in TIL The European 30 Years' War 1618 - 1648 began with Czech nobles throwing two Habsburg governors out of Prague castle window onto a huge dungheap. The corresponding carnage - fought over the issue of religious freedom following the Protestant Reformation - left millions dead. by Royal_Bumblebee_
Tongue stuck to a cold Pole? Great joke, here’s your upvote.
BartholomewBandy t1_j25xtga wrote
Reply to Brigitte Bardot in the early 1960s starting the trend of topless sunbathing by afrodite11
Coin slot!