
Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iuf4911 wrote

I could see that being the argument if the competition resulted in a prize for the winner to keep for themselves and he entered and won, so he got to keep his money for himself. But that wasn't the case. People were competing to have money donated to a charity. And his sister feels cheated because a charity in need got a donation and it wasn't her chosen charity? That's a little narcissitic.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iuf3ang wrote

Ryan and Davin have known each other since grade school, haven't they? Like they were childhood friends and now that Ryan has money and is in a position to do something, has selflessly helped someone who otherwise would be forgotten by the rest of the world to achieve his own goals and dreams.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iu9hfvl wrote

If you claim you feel cheated when you lose a competition because of who else is in the competition, you shouldn't be competing. There is always the possibility you will lose in any competition. If a regular celebrity set up that kind of competition and just sat back, relaxed and watched the average joe earn money for charity in need, you wouldn't bat an eye, but because this guy got off his ass and joined in the competition, somehow he's a bad guy?


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iu86kl0 wrote

> Trying to paint KL as a misogynist is laughably stupid.

I'm not trying to paint anyone as anything. I'm simply reposting a quote from a misogynist and a hypocrite. She believes that God made her to make babies, then she must also believe that she is less than a man and should be subservient to them.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iu85is8 wrote

I've only met them once, but they were incredibly nice. We met them backstage at their venue before one of their concerts and they were just so happy and filled with this almost contagious positive energy. They talked to my kids and encouraged them to practice and work hard when they said they wanted to start their own band.

Honestly, I don't see how what they do is any different than any other celebrity behaves? A-list celebrities make commercials for TV begging you to donate to charity. In the last year and a half alone, I've seen the guys of RP give away over $30,000 to their fans in the form of games/contests/random drawing give-aways.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iu84t9d wrote

> A month later my boss got a call to give a estimate for a bathroom remodel, went to this mansion and it was the main guy, wanted it for Pennies,

Sounds like any mansion owner. Or anyone else for that matter. Name a single person that doesn't want to pay the absolute lowest amount possible when shopping?


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iu3h63k wrote

Leavitt once said that she believes 'God made women to make babies'. If you are a woman and KNOW that you are meant to do more with your existence than just make babies, don't vote for Leavitt.

EDIT : In a 2021 podcast, she argued that abortion “is not about women’s reproductive rights, it is not about women’s health. It is about life and protecting that, period. And as a woman, it is the most amazing thing that we can do to reproduce. That’s why we’re here. That’s why, you know, God made men and women.”


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_itu1lr2 wrote

None of what you said makes any sense. If he was already proven guilty, then the article would be about his conviction, not him being charged. And I'm willing to bet you have left your own DNA behind in places you've lived and stayed before, so finding her DNA at a home where she used to live isn't going to be all that surprising. Unless they have found her body and can conduct testing, right now all they have is circumstantial evidence and the word of someone who is facing charges of her own and willing to cut a deal to pin this on the father.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_isf1zya wrote

I do believe legislation should exist that allow men the right to terminate their parental obligation of a child after paternity is proven. Women have the right to force a man to have a child even if he isn't mentally, emotionally or financially ready, while also having the option to abort that child for those same reasons of not being ready. No person should be forced into parenthood.

I personally know of 9 children that exist in this world because their mothers "knew they could force the father's to pay for their kid". That's 9 children being raised by selfish and thoughtless mother's, who in turn will raise them to believe as they believed, that they can force responsibility for their choices onto someone who doesn't want it.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_ir2g747 wrote

And this list from 2022 puts Mass above NH as the best place in the country to live. Data changes over time, especially when it comes to what is considered "the best place to live", so using data from a 3 year old census ranking is basically obsolete at this point in time. Pre-Covid NH might have been better than Vermont in 2019, but a lot has changed since then.