BedrockFarmer t1_ja0fd71 wrote
Reply to The Bluesleuth-Lite is a device that can instantly find a hidden AirTag by thebelsnickle1991
As usual, no one read the article. This is just some shitty kickstarter scam. The product doesn’t exist.
BedrockFarmer t1_ja06l0w wrote
Reply to comment by russian_hacker_1917 in The Bluesleuth-Lite is a device that can instantly find a hidden AirTag by thebelsnickle1991
If you have ever taken mass transit or a long flight, you don’t want hundreds of notifications of devices following you. Context matters.
BedrockFarmer t1_j5n2l28 wrote
Why is there a person behind the person in the suit holding onto the persons elbows as if they are about to fall over?
BedrockFarmer t1_izemlq8 wrote
I’m surprised that they were still being newly manufactured TBH.
BedrockFarmer t1_ixrorom wrote
Reply to comment by sticklebat in Hubble Telescope Observes Surreal Galactic Collision | The merging galaxies, heavily distorted by gravity, have formed an unusual celestial ring. by chrisdh79
Just read the short ESA post and the answer seems to be no one knows, but they have to projects planned to try and detect both gravitational waves and x-rays that are expected from such a merger.
I suppose as long as you are not in the path of the x-ray blast, there isn’t much to be concerned about.
BedrockFarmer t1_ixrivmo wrote
Reply to comment by CuriosityK in NASA’s Orion Sends Back New Views of Moon’s Surface by Maxcactus
No, but there is a vending machine near by.
BedrockFarmer t1_ixriaaq wrote
Reply to comment by sticklebat in Hubble Telescope Observes Surreal Galactic Collision | The merging galaxies, heavily distorted by gravity, have formed an unusual celestial ring. by chrisdh79
Interesting. I wonder what happens when the event horizons from the two black holes touch.
BedrockFarmer t1_ixrd2l2 wrote
Reply to comment by turningpoint84 in Hubble Telescope Observes Surreal Galactic Collision | The merging galaxies, heavily distorted by gravity, have formed an unusual celestial ring. by chrisdh79
I guess if you are very solipsistic, sure, don’t worry. I was using “we” in the species-level plural.
BedrockFarmer t1_ixrcldy wrote
Reply to comment by sticklebat in Hubble Telescope Observes Surreal Galactic Collision | The merging galaxies, heavily distorted by gravity, have formed an unusual celestial ring. by chrisdh79
Maybe I am misunderstanding what is being shown here then. Because it looks like stars that used to orbit the galactic plane of on or the other galaxy have been flung out into a huge horseshoe hoop while close to the galactic cores the gasses are even hotter with a huge jet of superheated gas shooting “down” from them.
BedrockFarmer t1_ixramsi wrote
Reply to comment by momentum77 in Hubble Telescope Observes Surreal Galactic Collision | The merging galaxies, heavily distorted by gravity, have formed an unusual celestial ring. by chrisdh79
What else is there to think but “We’re fucked.” when two super massive black holes start spiraling towards each other and wreaking havoc on everything in the newly merging galaxy?
BedrockFarmer t1_ixr0bkf wrote
Reply to comment by Chainsaw_Viking in NASA’s Orion Sends Back New Views of Moon’s Surface by Maxcactus
Clearly caught an alien sunbathing on a chaise lounge!
BedrockFarmer t1_ixqwlmc wrote
Very cool pics. The surface is way more bumpy than I had thought from prior photos. I also can’t wait for the unhinged to do their Rorschach test claims of aliens because of the light/shadow play on some of the features.
I hope I live to see the day we actually build a permanent (probably sub-surface) base there.
BedrockFarmer t1_jb22lez wrote
Reply to comment by PercussiveRussel in Does the age of the universe depends on where you are? by _bidooflr_
This made sense to me, a non mathematician and non physicist. So basically the entangled particles will behave identically when observed. So there is no information linking the particles across spacetime.
So like if I had two cans and two six sided die and I “entangled” the die and closed the lid. I could then send one can to the moon and keep the other and when opened, both die will show the same result because of entanglement when normally there would be a 1/6 probability of what is observed for a single die.