BelichicksBurner t1_jeenn44 wrote
Reply to El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant, 2 Casa Tequila restaurants, and owner Gilberto Reyes stiffed workers by nearly $456K; court settlement made. by Azr431
This is wrong and I'm glad he was at least held accountable financially but I think it's important to point out that A. This is really all about tips culture. If these people just got paid like regular employees, you wouldn't see owners stiffing them on wages. You don't see this type of thing in countries that just pay restaurant workers a typical wage. B. While this does seem like a lot of money, you're talking 100 employees over an extended period of time. Seems like a lot of the missing money was related to miscalculations, which shouldn't happen but is still important to point out. Bussers/cooks not getting correctly calculated OT tip rate splits is an example of one of the things they found. I'd be willing to bet a lot of restaurants get that kind of stuff wrong.
BelichicksBurner t1_jeelpsw wrote
Reply to I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Pros: beautiful scenery (you'll never find a more beautiful place on earth than NH in the fall), skiing, essentially no dangerous animals, limited bugs outside of summer time, quiet, low crime rate, no sales tax.
Cons: Winters can be rough at first if you aren't used to the cold, cost of living/housing/utilities, one of the whitest states in the country, not a ton of culture, property taxes are stupidly high.
BelichicksBurner t1_je16giq wrote
Reply to comment by AMC4x4 in What’s this symbol? Seen on cmc hospital in a more discreet area by notababyimatumor
Lot of bad decisions over the years lead to this. Bad decisions they continue to make. GOP has already come out as opposed to the previously announced agreement for raises for state workers and they seem far more interested in engaging in culture wars than fixing actual issues.
BelichicksBurner t1_je07mar wrote
Reply to comment by bigdog24681012 in What’s this symbol? Seen on cmc hospital in a more discreet area by notababyimatumor
This is literally all NH hospitals right now. CMC just had the most glaring example of it...but other hospitals aren't doing much better. They're all totally desperate for medical professionals. And if you think they're bad? Go check out some of the non-profits who don't have hospital level money.
I've seen docs hired by places that wouldn't even bring those same docs on for interviews 10 years ago. I've literally listened to doctors with severe mental illnesses go on unhinged tirades during team meetings...and nothing is done because the non-profits can't afford to lose them. I've seen prescribers who have severe health issues, to the point where they can't walk and have to have their nurses proofread all their notes that are still employed because they don't want to have a year long vacancy at the prescriber position while they to find someone new. The situation is quite dire and often stems from the same problem as everywhere else: rate of pay.
NH simply doesn't pay as well. Combine that with one of the higher property tax rates in the nation along with one of the highest costs of just makes more sense if you're a medical professional to go work in MA. Sucks but until something changes, we're gonna keep seeing this bullshit. It isn't just medical professionals either, it's everywhere in NH. That's why Sununu is so desperate to bump state workers pay: they can't even get people in the door for interviews because the state pay rate for a LOT of their jobs have dipped well below market rate. I know for a fact that my job literally pays twice as much in other states and three times as much when compared to the same job on the federal pay scale.
BelichicksBurner t1_jdism8l wrote
Reply to comment by vanillagorrilla23 in NH House passes abortion-rights protections by IBlazeMyOwnPath're pro-choice. That's literally what that means: people get to choose. The good news for the actual anti-abortion people: we think they should get to choose, too.
BelichicksBurner t1_jcg0944 wrote
Reply to comment by TheGrateKhan in Did Footloose teach us nothing? by TheMobyDicks
> this provides some pathway for parents to try and keep their children from being exposed to things
Full stop. That's the entire problem: many parents who have been indoctrinated into extreme ideological factions (that number is much bigger than you think, on the left and the right) simply can't be trusted to know what their kids can and can't handle being exposed to. I literally listened to a fellow parent just last month complaining about their kid being exposed to "critical race theory"...because he had to read a 60-page book about Harriet Tubman. To me it was laughable...but I saw more than one parent nodding their head in agreement. Fact is some parents simply want to create an echo chamber for their children similar to the ones they've created for themselves. They can't be allowed more power to do that. Look at the clown who tried to get a teacher fired because the teacher dressed too feminine. You wanna give THAT shitbag more power over what's taught in our schools? No thanks.
BelichicksBurner t1_jcfystm wrote
Reply to comment by gmcgath in Did Footloose teach us nothing? by TheMobyDicks
Thay movie came out before I was born and I understood the reference. I mean, Kevin Bacon dude...
BelichicksBurner t1_jcfyii5 wrote
Reply to Did Footloose teach us nothing? by TheMobyDicks
And the culture wars continue. Such a shame so many NH voters have no clue that these absurd culture things are literally debated by our state government on a near daily basis now. Such a waste of time.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_jaawb1e wrote
Reply to comment by girthemoose in Sadly, those calling this a win are wrong. by BelichicksBurner
They've done this before, the feds have. I can assure you: there will be no plan and the state will be found out of compliance. I can't say this loud enough: THERE IS NO QUICK OUTPATIENT CARE. Might as well wait for the easter bunny to bring them all candy baskets. Psych is already involved and has been since they started doing this about 12-15 years ago. They're all local community mental health centers, non-profit organizations that haven't been able to keep up with demand for years now. They already have outreach teams that go to the hospital and try to develop a safe discharge solution. They already have staffed crisis apartments for people who aren't safe in their homes. That's the problem: it isn't enough. The local psych providers literally can't handle the numbers and haven't been able to for a very long time. This ruling is basically the equivalent of asking someone with 15 maxed-out credit cards to get another credit card so they can pay off their existing credit card debt. There's nothing more left to provide. It's a simple money and numbers issue. State psych providers have been out of both for years.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_jaav29k wrote
Reply to comment by tylermorris2000 in Sadly, those calling this a win are wrong. by BelichicksBurner
...did...did you read the article? Keeping psych patients at the ER once they're medically cleared (so once they've been triaged) is now no longer allowed. And as someone who used to work on those units I can tell you with certainty that the vast majority of those people will NOT be kept in jail because they aren't criminals.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_jaaukee wrote
Reply to comment by NewEnglandBlueberry in Sadly, those calling this a win are wrong. by BelichicksBurner
You're not getting it, this isn't the first go around with a federal judge and the NH mental health system. There isn't going to be a plan. Who's coming up with the plan? The state? The state hasn't had a plan for mental health in decades. One of their most recent plans was literally fewer psych hospital beds. New Hampshire Hospital? They can't even fully staff their units, you think they'll have a plan in the next 30 days? There won't be a plan, so then it will become "Well you're not in compliance with the federal courts, so now you're getting hit with another federal lawsuit (like I said, not the first time we've seen this). Also, you can't keep these people at the ER anymore so even if you don't have a plan, keeping them there is now officially illegal." People are gonna get sent home, dude.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_jaatenr wrote
Reply to comment by Datmuny19 in Sadly, those calling this a win are wrong. by BelichicksBurner
There's only one New Hampshire Hospital.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_jaatbbf wrote
Reply to comment by jeff6806 in Sadly, those calling this a win are wrong. by BelichicksBurner
Yeah I'm not gonna explain the entire article to them that's why I posted it, but good on you. As I understand it, they can't be held at all. Once they're medically cleared for hospitalization, they go to the hospital. And wheb there are no beds? Well right now it would seem starting in April they'll just be going home to wait. Of course the president of the NH Hospital association is supporting it. If ever you needed confirmation this was gonna be a cluster fuck, look no further than that endorsement. This "law" isn't going to help anyone because if you know anything about how the state handles mental health you know they have no answers...becuase they've never had answers. Their answer is going to be what it always has been: them looking at the CMHCs and asking " what's the answer?" Sadly, given the current state of the local CMHCs I highly doubt they have another rabbit to pull out of their hat this time.
BelichicksBurner t1_j9ccasg wrote
Reply to The Snow Hype Returns by TheCloudBoy
Protect cloud boy
BelichicksBurner OP t1_j7399ef wrote
Reply to comment by PM_Georgia_Okeefe in by BelichicksBurner
Goddamn right I did and I'll do it again. Ain't got time for a cover letter and shit.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_j72y2sl wrote
Reply to comment by vexingsilence in by BelichicksBurner
Ah yes, the magical millionaire investor needs their money because of all that "risk" they take... expect those risks are already mitigated tremendously by our already existing tax laws. This isn't some new thing that's been happening with this specific tax code. It's been in place in NH for 100 years. 100 years. Suddenly it's a big scam though, huh? Sorry, I call BS.
Remember WAAAY back in 2018 when the richest Americans got a historical level of tax breaks with the new GOP tax plan? How'd that work? Lots of new businesses pop up around the country, lots of new hires? Nope and nope. A temporary boom brought on predominantly through stock buybacks, which is what most of the richest corporations used that extra money for. The article is also pretty clear that tax breaks do not and have not in recent history had any impact on local economies. They just don't. All this will do is hurt. But hey, defund our government, send tons of money to private schools and lets all watch our property taxes go even higher. We have been working hard toward becoming Alabama north, this is just the next step. Mark my words: this will hurt us long term. Badly. Downvote all you want. We'll chat in a few years.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_j72svv4 wrote
Reply to comment by redeggplant01 in by BelichicksBurner
Learn up. Unless business insider is too left leaning for you, smart guy.
BelichicksBurner OP t1_j72rcdh wrote
Reply to comment by redeggplant01 in by BelichicksBurner
I'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. Let me say this for the 139373th time: TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS DOESN'T WORK. IT NEVER DID. Businesses aren't struggling because of the state tax code, they're struggling because they can't retain staff due to cost of housing, living and childcare in NH being out of control. This is literally a tax that doesn't impact anyone who isn't rich and currently accounts for roughly $127,000,000 of our state budget. How you think they're gonna make up that budget difference, a fucking bake sale? People can't figure out why the addiction problem is out of control in NH, can't figure out why the mental health care system is so bad, why crime and homelessness is so bad. It's because the state doesn't spend enough on those things and never have. Due to this those who provide care and are actually trying to make things better in those areas can't keep staff because they can't afford to pay them and those things just got progressively worse until it was a mess...and you think the solution is to generate LESS money? Stupid with a capital S. Rich people don't grow shit in this state.
BelichicksBurner t1_j6owi2u wrote
Reply to comment by Politikr in Oil company filled wrong tank. What’s the law say? by MusicPsychFitness
I'm not shoveling 2 feet of iced over snow so he can walk 10 feet. It's also family owned and operated and he's part of the family so...yeah I apologize for nothing.
BelichicksBurner t1_j6oqo6h wrote
Oil guy showed up to my place last week and started bitching about having to walk in the show: "It's really hard to deliver oil when you gotta walk through 2 feet of snow." Looked that man dead in the face and responded "It's really hard when my heat bill is higher than my mortgage, looks like we're both about to have a shitty afternoon." and shut the door. Don't give em a dime more than what YOU got...becuase they'll screw you over when they have the chance.
BelichicksBurner t1_j6om4gm wrote
Reply to State Rep. Gerhard Wants Gun Ownership Rights Restored To 'Ex-Felons' Like Him by slimyprincelimey
Fantastic idea. Now legalize pot.
BelichicksBurner t1_j65d9x8 wrote
Reply to comment by bleucheese87 in Hudson, NH woman found guilty on charges related to Capitol attack by rabblebowser
I have family in Alabama. NEW HAMPSHIRE is the Alabama of New Hampshire. Didn't used to be the case...but it 100% is now.
BelichicksBurner t1_j5vj8z5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Drive Free or Die? NH considers restricting pets in cars by DietCokeMachine
It's not covered by previous laws. One person posted that and they're incorrect. Also side note: there's no such thing as libertarians. Just Republicans who try to convince kids they're cool. Cops also get a TON of money from Dems and GOP here, so idk what you mean. Seatbealt law was bipartisan because it was fucking stupid not to have one in place to begin with.
BelichicksBurner t1_j5vhsg8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Drive Free or Die? NH considers restricting pets in cars by DietCokeMachine
Pretty sure it I read that it came from one didn't it?
BelichicksBurner OP t1_jeeolym wrote
Reply to comment by Missedanother1 in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
This tax doesn't even impact the vast majority of NH citizens in any way. This is one of those examples where if you want lower taxes...this is something that should remain in place. They should be finding ways to lower property taxes, not helping out wealthy families lower their tax rate. I want lower taxes and my wife and I make a decent amount of money. We're not saving a dollar if this goes away, just means that money will wind up coming from somewhere else.