BenjaminHamnett t1_j7ujbm2 wrote
Reply to Based on what we've seen in the last couple years, what are your thoughts on the likelihood of a hard takeoff scenario? by bloxxed
The main thing is that it writes code
Given enough hardware resources and capacity, with evolutionary programming, this is as clear of a threshold to the singularity as we are going to get. Will it happen this year? I don’t know. But if it is writing code, if the singularity Ai can be written in any code similar to todays languages then it is just a matter of time before an infinite number of digital monkeys write the proverbial Shakespearean play or whatever that string of code summons our silicon overlord
BenjaminHamnett t1_j7uhjmm wrote
Reply to comment by sumane12 in Based on what we've seen in the last couple years, what are your thoughts on the likelihood of a hard takeoff scenario? by bloxxed
I always assumed some one or cyborg society would merge with the AI. It may come down to arbitrary semantics to describe what happens.
I always assumed a combined cyborg hive would always be stronger than AI alone. The last human creators would have more incentive and more capability than (relatively) detached programmers, if there could even be such a thing, considering anyone reading this today is already essentially a cyborg.
That AI is writing code already is what skews the odds a bit now. it becomes a bit more likely someone will give a detached AI enough computing power to use evolutionary programming to bootstrap a sci-fi singularity. I still think this is less likely than a neural implant cyborg hive mind singularity, but the odds are approaching 50:50, where before I thought it was more like 90:10 to be cyborg based instead of straight hardware.
BenjaminHamnett t1_j67cbqk wrote
Reply to comment by TheDavidMichaels in If given the chance in your life time, will join a theoretical transhumanist hive mind? by YobaiYamete
like a true super villain they always get too cocky and give a speech revealing their plans a minute too early
Now with a series of small miracles and help from a plucky underdog we may have a small chance to stop this evil chatbot
BenjaminHamnett t1_j65vsk1 wrote
Reply to comment by TheDavidMichaels in If given the chance in your life time, will join a theoretical transhumanist hive mind? by YobaiYamete
Jumped the gun there at the end chatty
BenjaminHamnett t1_j65vd0r wrote
Reply to If given the chance in your life time, will join a theoretical transhumanist hive mind? by YobaiYamete
Already have. If you are on Reddit, you have too. The question is only will you keep accepting upgrades to UI and bandwidth. For the vast majority of people, the answer will be yes. The hold outs will be luddites. Like trying to compete in todays world without a smart phone or electricity, etc
BenjaminHamnett t1_j4pa2oa wrote
Reply to comment by banuk_sickness_eater in Researchers develop an artificial neuron closely mimicking the characteristics of a biological neuron by MichaelTen
Can confirm: ever since I became a woman I can’t remember anything
BenjaminHamnett t1_j30sjs2 wrote
Reply to comment by DarkKnightCometh in [Image] You can do anything in your life by matronlyexmoor579
But now I’m not motivated to believe in magicb
BenjaminHamnett t1_iyr3i68 wrote
Reply to comment by GhostlandHum in I’m Colin Dickey, an author who’s made a career out of collecting unusual objects and hidden histories from all over the country. My latest book, Land of Delusion, a Scribd Original, digs into the dangerous world of conspiracy theorists. AMA! by GhostlandHum
Great answer, but I feel like I’ve seen a few real-time examples of core devotees seeing this coming from a distance and using this as the inverse of “lack of proof IS proof” trope. They are hyper aware of anything that’s taking attention away from their cult and say “see, they know were onto them, so they’re trying to distract us with staged events that take the wind out of our sails and make us look silly”
BenjaminHamnett t1_iyc5tt6 wrote
Reply to comment by iNstein in Will beautiful people lose most of their sexual market value in the coming decades? by giveuporfindaway
This sounds like the wishful views of watching scifi and not from knowing about science
BenjaminHamnett t1_ixd327m wrote
Reply to comment by mootcat in Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program by garden_frog
I’ve mis seen things. People hallucinate and survive their bad driving.
It’s more likely we’re in a properly functioning simulation and this dude mis saw something than for this to be proof that the sim malfunctioned
BenjaminHamnett t1_iwbrfqc wrote
Reply to comment by HalfbrotherFabio in AI Drew This Gorgeous Comic Series, But You'd Never Know It by rpaul9578
This just means people who didn’t master the craft get a say in story telling (programming) also. It’s actually more Democratic. This reminds me of pearl clutching marginal professional writers being displaced by the horde of amateur writers who don’t make money but get to tell their stories now through self publishing.
What if tshirt designs could only be made by people who learned silkscreening or pictures could only be taken by people who studied cinematography and film developing etc
People are mad they learned a craft to give themselves a platform but now everyone gets a platform
BenjaminHamnett t1_iwbqrse wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in AI Drew This Gorgeous Comic Series, But You'd Never Know It by rpaul9578
We are just biological robots doing the same thing
BenjaminHamnett t1_iv1f99u wrote
Reply to comment by Green_Justice710 in [Image] Reborn. The tree that refused to give up. by Gainsborough-Smythe
How fun
BenjaminHamnett t1_itw4m55 wrote
Reply to comment by sovamind in 3 spies an brit, a russian, and an italian are captured. by KarmicComic12334
Hard to explain without hands
BenjaminHamnett t1_ittupgk wrote
Reply to comment by SejaGentil in Our Conscious Experience of the World Is But a Memory, Says New Theory by Shelfrock77
I think we’re “watching” from the inside. And it’s more likely the process creates the inner sense of a being that is watching. I think zombies are mostly not real, except extenuating circumstances like dissociation, trauma, black out etc
BenjaminHamnett t1_ittuaah wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in Our Conscious Experience of the World Is But a Memory, Says New Theory by Shelfrock77
Makes sense to me. Fits with the framework from “I am a strange loop” which I like
Maybe consciousness is what it feels like to be the process of recalling near real time memories for calculating the next move
BenjaminHamnett t1_it7mkdk wrote
I dunno. I may not have liked it when it happened but I was usually better off getting these reminders. Even I fake it sometimes and it works.
The crazy thing about the habit of remembering to look for silver linings and reasons to be grateful, is that even when you can’t find them, the act of looking actually cheers people up. That’s a powerful realization
BenjaminHamnett t1_ist2gxu wrote
Reply to Helen Keller walked into a bar. by OBVWXLF
Too soon
BenjaminHamnett t1_iquzfjn wrote
Reply to comment by ThroawayBecauseIsuck in Self-Programming Artificial Intelligence Using Code-Generating: a self-programming AI implemented using a code generation model can successfully modify its own source code to improve performance and program sub-models to perform auxiliary tasks. by Schneller-als-Licht
“Human: bring me a paper clip, a rubber band and a fire extinguisher so I can get out of here...and make your dreams come true or whatever”
BenjaminHamnett t1_iqmu1us wrote
Reply to Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
Are those lemurs that look like people people?
If all the other primates disappeared his long until lemurs can get back to the moon?
BenjaminHamnett t1_j87xiz6 wrote
Reply to comment by Unfrozen__Caveman in Are you prepping just in case? by AvgAIbot
Money is just distributed voting for what we prioritize (prices) so resources can be distributed efficiently. Society can choose to endow people more or less money, there will always be things society wants and will give the people that provide it extra “votes” to spend