BernieEcclestoned t1_j8n33hx wrote
Have you heard back yet? Maybe they appreciate your passion.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j8iqzef wrote
How is this cool?
BernieEcclestoned t1_j6kf3my wrote
Reply to Ice Knight hanging from my gutter by BiscuitCominInHot
BernieEcclestoned t1_j6j30ik wrote
Reply to TIFU by wearing nazi costume to school by [deleted]
Join the royal family, I hear they're missing a spare
BernieEcclestoned t1_j6hqxw5 wrote
Reply to comment by Druss369 in TIFU by going on a nsfw sub. by [deleted]
Well, the first one was...
BernieEcclestoned t1_j6hc9ht wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Adani claims US investment firm’s fraud allegations are an ‘attack on India’ | Adani Group by chilladipa
And dependence on Russian oil?
BernieEcclestoned t1_j654255 wrote
Reply to comment by zorggalacticus in TIFU by over sharing at work by urbeing2loud
I live in the UK, labour instead of labor
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5u0zk9 wrote
Reply to comment by Spektra54 in TIFU by over sharing at work by urbeing2loud
Yep, I've managed people out before. It takes months though, you can't just fire someone for something their friend has told them.
And a lawyer would be very interested in a long and expensive lawsuit, and would do it for no win, no fee as well.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5txhg0 wrote
Reply to comment by Spektra54 in TIFU by over sharing at work by urbeing2loud
That's why we have labour laws.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5twy9z wrote
Reply to comment by Spektra54 in TIFU by over sharing at work by urbeing2loud
I'd like to see that exit interview.
'let me get this straight, you're firing me for being too honest and open? See you in court, or shall we settle now?'
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5tr09g wrote
Reply to TIFU by over sharing at work by urbeing2loud
Is he changing jobs or changing company? If he's moving company, no big deal.
Also, if he's at a company where being seen as an open person is seen as a negative, you've not fucked up, he's better off out of there.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5t6mvt wrote
Reply to comment by fillyfan96 in TIL Jonny Greenwood pretended to play keyboards for months when he joined Radiohead. He was told "I can’t quite hear what you’re doing, but I think you’re adding a really interesting texture" by btb331
I worked for Native Instruments at the time so it would have been Absynth, FM7 and Reaktor. Tried to give them to him to get some PR, but he wouldn't accept and paid full price iirc.
If they were used, it would have been on Amnesiac or Hail to the Thief I guess, but I'm never sure how much hardware vs software they use because they have loads on stage but also had PowerBooks running.. and Reaktor can reproduce pretty much anything if you know what you're doing.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5t2td2 wrote
Reply to TIL Jonny Greenwood pretended to play keyboards for months when he joined Radiohead. He was told "I can’t quite hear what you’re doing, but I think you’re adding a really interesting texture" by btb331
I sold him some synths back in 2001, very nice chap.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5nu1oi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIFU by touching a girl to comfort her but instead made her really uncomfortable by [deleted]
How does asking a crush out make you lose friends?
He hugged someone during a day out at a theme park, he didn't lock her in the basement.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j5ns2k5 wrote
Reply to TIFU by touching a girl to comfort her but instead made her really uncomfortable by [deleted]
Just ask her out, at least you'll know.
BernieEcclestoned OP t1_j4x2pj4 wrote
Reply to comment by Fake_William_Shatner in Scientists Make Major Breakthrough In Sustainable Hydrogen Production by BernieEcclestoned
Probably more feasible to use ammonia as the fuel though as it's easier to transport than H?
BernieEcclestoned OP t1_j4wr50b wrote
>University of Michigan scientists developed a new kind of solar panel achieving 9% efficiency in converting water into hydrogen and oxygen – mimicking a crucial step in natural photosynthesis. Outdoors, it represents a major leap in the technology, nearly 10 times more efficient than solar water-splitting experiments of its kind.
>But the biggest benefit is driving down the cost of sustainable hydrogen. This is enabled by shrinking the semiconductor, typically the most expensive part of the device. The team’s self-healing semiconductor withstands concentrated light equivalent to 160 suns
BernieEcclestoned t1_j4qrjx8 wrote
Reply to comment by Desertswisher in TIL about SubTropolis, a giant former limestone mine under Kansas City that was converted into the world’s largest underground business complex. The 1,100-acre complex is accessed through tunnels, and as of 2015, 1,600 people worked there. by corn_dog_22
BernieEcclestoned t1_j4mof9t wrote
Reply to UCI Researchers Discover Nanowire Coating Technology that Could Make Batteries Last Forever by otvortex
Would a gold nanowire be susceptible to breaking in a vehicle?
BernieEcclestoned t1_j4kvqfy wrote
Maybe stopping the killing of tens of thousands of dolphins would be a better place to start?
BernieEcclestoned t1_j41qleo wrote
That is very interesting. I have ankylosing spondylitis and the mindful movements I was taught aim to stimulate the vagus nerve. One time I over did it with hyperventilating and passed out smacking my head on the toilet on the way down. I crawled out of the bathroom and lay on the floor where a beam of sunshine happened to fall on my face. Total bliss.
BernieEcclestoned t1_j93k0p3 wrote
Reply to comment by WoodEqualsGood in Tifu by arguing at a party by [deleted]
A used one off eBay