
Bezdbefazed t1_iujq8jm wrote

Yeah, I have not vested yet so currently I would not be eligible for anything. It really only benefits me significantly if I stay with my current employer until retirement age of 63 to maximize the potential benefits.

Edit* at 5 years it would amount to just a few hundred bucks here and there as you stated.


Bezdbefazed t1_iuipiwc wrote

Working remotely is the only reason I began looking for jobs. It's hard to put a price tag on it, but I know it is worth a lot to me.

I think you are right regarding not taking a financial step back. I did consider the fact I'd be putting a lot of my income into the 401k, but I would still be in a better position than the guaranteed 5-6% gross contribution into the pension fund when considering the bonus for meeting reasonable objectives.