BigBirdLaw69420 t1_jcffawo wrote
Reply to comment by panairesdoas in Poor sleep in middle age can have a negative impact on brain health, according to a study by researchers at The Australian National University by chrisdh79
When is middle age, smart guy?
BigBirdLaw69420 t1_jbjc7b0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tiger Woods' girlfriend asks judge to resolve dispute over NDA. by PrincessBananas85
#Amber Heard has pooped the bed
BigBirdLaw69420 t1_j8xz4py wrote
Reply to comment by Talasko in In 2025, Gen X will have their first elderly person. by [deleted]
Nah man, we’re millennials. But like the Oregon trail generation whose schooling straddled the internet
BigBirdLaw69420 t1_jcki25t wrote
Reply to comment by cantwejustbefiends in Poor sleep in middle age can have a negative impact on brain health, according to a study by researchers at The Australian National University by chrisdh79
Yeah that would have been the better choice