
BigBobby2016 t1_j1yo17s wrote

From what I’ve been reading a time lapse over the next few years could be really interesting. When countries like Germany and Japan start talking about increasing defense spending you know things are serious


BigBobby2016 t1_j0uxbld wrote

Sheesh…I live in Massachusetts and our regional culture doesn’t revolve around those things either.

Lol…we do revolve around education though, as well as not being douches that would write “sorry my bad” without realizing that made them look like douches


BigBobby2016 t1_j0un6s7 wrote

I take it you’re not from the US?

We’re taught about this all of the time here. Levi went west to sell supplies to the gold miners. He tried to sell canvas for tents and a customer said that he’d buy pants made out of the material if they existed. Boom…Levi’s are born.

Heck…I’ve heard the tale brought up at jobs before even


BigBobby2016 t1_issyxa6 wrote

That does make sense. Cities and developers have been known to give buildings away when they cost more to maintain than they earned in income.

My old city actually gave their arena to a university because of this. That same year, they charged the city $10k to hold their HS graduation there…