
BigDickolasNicholas t1_je6rncs wrote

Bullshit. This is like when right wingers talk about how they would see CP all over Twitter before Elon took over but suddenly don't see it any more. It's fake news.

Side note, if you are truly concerned for the safety of children, you would be in support of banning them from religious institutions right? Given how widespread child abuse is there.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_jdw4k2p wrote

You're going way too deep, the real conservative strategy has been obvious for decades: attack education. If your voter base is stupid, it'll be easier to manipulate them. Conservatives now think the Statue of David is pornography, there's nothing they won't consider a danger to children (besides guns).

Kids at drag shows have never been a thing, outside of anecdotal cases. Anyone concerned about hypothetical kids at drag shows should be way more concerned with kids at church or with their elected officials.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_jdw3gwi wrote

Except that's never been a thing. If conservatives were actually about protecting children, they would stop going to church and we'd have strict gun control.

It's about inventing a boogyman. Your average conservative doesn't need much of a push to become a deranged homophobe, you literally just need to say "but the kids!" and they'll show you how they really feel. Just look at all of the nutjobs screaming in gay people's faces calling them pedophiles, just because they're gay. Like most topics, conservatives are more dangerous to the thing they're trying to "protect" than any fake news boogyman they've been told to hate.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_j8pndi3 wrote

True, there has literally never been any crime outside of a city. Sounds crazy, I know, but if you look it up, 104% of all crime happens in cities. Now you're probably going to ask, "Why do people/businesses stay in cities if 104% of crime happens there?" Which is a good question, and the answer happens to be "Because it's still better than living in the incredibly shitty suburbs." More news at 11.