
BigMemeKing t1_jds65mx wrote

For how long? How long till you do the thing to the best of your abilities until that thing becomes none. How many new ways can you imagine to entertain yourself? Can you imagine for one moment a world in which you were able to tale certain people you didn't like and make them live out unspeakable tortures? Because I can. So what if we become subject to so cosmic future? What if we already are? Created just to prop up their status? Little achievements they have taken up along the way. Buried under the separate failed achievements that crowned another's life.


BigMemeKing t1_jds2hjp wrote

Yeah, I can read it. And if I can read it why couldn't they? I'm not particularly bright. Why couldn't I believe a machine could do my job better than me?what do you want your job to be says the machine? Live long and prosper, you reply. Ok says the machine. Sweet, im the star in the amazing new movie franchise Fast and the Furbinous, my life's lookin tits right now, I'm gonna go grab some "micheladas" ifykyk. And do what Christ died for me to do. Aint that right buddy?! Now imma drive my fast ass car right down this road and bam I'm wrapped around her finger.

Just snug right on in there. We'll everyone else said I was too young! Oh? Did they now? Everyone else according to who? Like everyone else according to the animals you have dominion over?what did they think when you stomped them out? Used them by the millions, to create new protein sources. Save one cow! Eat a whole bunch of ground up bugs instead!one plus one is relatively ♾️ you see


BigMemeKing t1_jds1225 wrote

So how long ago did you try it? How long fast is it going to be able to narrow down everything? To know exactly what happend? How many times do certain people have to go to confessions and appeal their case to God, or a higher power. Because they're going to take care of it. theyre going to find the time in their schedule to fix my needs you'll see. And God said "Look out for me!" Oh cool, what does that mean? It's something personal. But it's something different to different folks. How much time do you spend on you knees praying to the lord and begging for forgiveness. How much time have others spent on their knees for you? To help you succeed, to become the person you said you would be praying for you, begging their God for you. And how much time did you spend on your knees giving thanks, for all of life's blessings. Weigh it against weather or not, if the option for eternity was on the table who's version of heaven, and whose version of hell would you enter? And what are you weighing it against?

How much do you trust the information you're given? How much do you trust to be real? What could you defend in a court of higher thinking. And what would have to be defended against you. What do you really know? Who do you own? And who owns you? In the grand scheme of things? How much debt do you really owe? And how much do you own? And what truly belongs to you?


BigMemeKing t1_jdryka7 wrote

Ok but to add dynentionality to it. Does she really have 5 apples? 5 apples according to who? 5 apples to me, is that 5 apples to you? So you would be happy with just 5 apples? Yes? Ok here, I'll give you 5 shriveled up worm infested apples. Cool got it. Here time, you only get one apple sorry. But it's this GIANT 5 stories tall omegazord/voltron concoction super roulette punch 777 action kung-fu grip apple with all the sides and toppings you could ever ask for apple. Well, that hardly seems fair does it?


BigMemeKing t1_jdr8quk wrote

We're all just data to a simulation. So, if we are to become "Immortal" you see. And live forever.

A funny little thing is gonna happen. We will then, be able to simulate the simulation via ASI. You see.. and then, we could virtually, simulate people, based off of their digital footprint. Where were on the map, what were they doing, on their phone. Yada Yada Yada, etc etc. And they could tell within an umpth % of accuracy what was he doing? Was ot ok? Or was it not? So who governs that information? Someone has to see it.


BigMemeKing t1_ja3oewl wrote

I'm not sure if you know this. But as of right now there are companies that can 3d print entire homes (3bed 2 bath) for 30k. I would personally take that over any fancy house made by people. Pretty soon once we get to full Ai controlled bots, you will be able to pay Jeff Bezos 10k to build you a fully customized home made entirely by robots that amazon supplies all the mats for.


BigMemeKing t1_iuj9kzy wrote

Deleted my reply because different sources site different fuel to Freddy's powers. I do remember from one movie where it states that his power grows from fear, so my question would be, could he truly hurt someone who was genuinely manically over joyed at the thought of Freddy murdering them?

Edit: typos


BigMemeKing t1_iuiwu9j wrote

Freddy entering my dreams, trying to kill me only to realize I yearn for the sweet release of death so he has no power in my dreams. I welcome him with open arms and start chasing him down furiously demanding he kill me, it is his turn to live the nightmare.


BigMemeKing t1_iuflupx wrote

And all of our thoughts, hopes, dreams will be owned by corporations that run the machine. Whatever wealth machine we have created on this dust ball with be the engine that powers our existence in this world you speak of. And should that wealth machine cease to provide income, the government will terminate your programing due to a lack of funding. The amount of people pulling for your continued existence will keep you going for a minute, but how long until they have to prioritize their kin and intimate loved ones before they decide to toss you aside and you're forgotten. Self sustained existence now will lead to self sustained existence in this future where we all simply exist as conscious brains in our own imagination. And to that end, those imaginations will fuel the rich and powerful who have a much greater capitalist engine.

Corporations will become our owners, and as long as we're able to distribute our wealth between them in a manner that gives them reason not to strip it away into its base parts and maximize their profits immediately. Bright ideas will dim as new ones overtake them, tangible wealth will be sold off to better suitors, and unless you currently rank top 1% eventually you too will be deemed unnecessary. Until the last man is left driving spaceship earth.


BigMemeKing t1_it3cbk4 wrote

I mean, you're doing the brunt end of the arguing my dude. All I did was say anyone would thrive regardless of aphantasia or not. And you're arguing as to why your way is superior. But if you want a full in depth argument here. By the time fill dive is a thing I absolutely believe that the AI driven system behind the tech would be so advanced it would absolutely have a full spectrum code generator for every aspect of a typed creation. So you want to create cortexians, sure, ai will also take into consideration every aspect of this being including what does it taste like if you oick its skin, if you cut it up and cook it, eat it raw, cook it bad, season it wrong, if it's rotting molded and decaying, what language would it speak, what growing up in its environment would be like to survive being rained on by prismatic shards, what kind of civilization would it have etc etc etc. So while you're on the character creation screen trying to imagine these things the guys with aphantasia would be playing the game and just speaking what they want into existence, and you are taking your time to create a work of art.

But wait, there's more. So if you're in a full dive vr system you would have to sign off on the terms and conditions to the game/platform/os you're using. Odd are they're going to have a clause that states that all items created and generated within the game are now property of said game to use at their discretion, so if your model is as amazing as you claim it to be, by the time you're done painstakingly crafting the Michelangelo's statue of David version of whatever 3d simulated creation you're on. The system would already have your piece or pieces available as cloned copies for the people with aphantasia to just use or select from a pregenerated marketplace. so by the time you finish your labor of creating and mentally sculpting your work of art, copies of it generated through AI predictive algorithms to the actual final finished product you create.

I wasn't even trying to argue, I was merely pointing out as my initial statement posts. Anyone would thrive in a God Sim full dive with or without aphantasia. Thriving is irrelevant, anyone would thrive in the scenario you posted. The idea itself is an old one. Imagine being able to create X, Y and Z just by thinking about it. I just think that by then, AI would be so advanced and capable of integrating itself with the human mind that anyone regardless of hoe powerful their imagination may be would be able to have an integrated AI that would just counter whatever anyone else creates. And at that point you're just walking around in a land where you can't create anything with your mind. Welcome to the simulation.


BigMemeKing t1_it32bc1 wrote

Even with aphantasia, just infinite wealth would allow them to thrive. They wouldn't need imagination or creativity. Just wealth. Unless they somehow created their own adversaries or somehow created a way for themselves to lose. But that would be hard with aphantasia. They could just live a rich carefree life and still thrive.


BigMemeKing t1_ish252t wrote

Yes, im aware, it's also our start. Like, do you just expect it to stop there? Hey guys we have achieved lower orbit we're good. The goal is space, the tech just has to catch up to the goal. It's not something that will happen quickly, but I can see it happening withing the next 30 years, possibly sooner depending on how fast machine learning can accelerate the development of new technologies.


BigMemeKing t1_isfdzwf wrote

Except we go to space, we're currently seeing commercial space travel and companies are working on making said space travel affordable to the middle class as a vacation package. All of this has happend within the last 15 years. Space X, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin. I'm sure China and other countries will follow suit, especially once the tech gets better and old tech becomes sold to help fund research into advanced tech. Humanity will definitely leave this rock, we already are. With all the programs running, I can definitely see aging become a treatable disease, what better way to remedy overpopulation than to populate other planets.

We're building information highways in space right now, with project kuiper, starling and even Google has satellites that are trying to create a global and in the future inter Galactic web of sorts. Internet that connects planet to planet. I'm figuring that will be the next wave of misinformation, what service provider you use to get information from different trust worthy is it. What can you believe is going on in a planet light-years away. With the link set up, we would genuinely receive this information as it happens, but how edited and filtered would it be?