BigResponsibility878 t1_jbh8914 wrote
Reply to comment by Bwoman_89 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
june and chandler is trash for a college student. she’s gonna meet friends at clark and be fine walking around
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbh7qp2 wrote
Reply to comment by Blotofink in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
i promise you you’ll be fine. Worcester is pretty fun these days.. especially in summer and fall
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbfp5ki wrote
Reply to comment by FIFAFanboy2023 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
you’re correct. crackhead just rolls off the tongue better
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf8arn wrote
Reply to comment by wildthing202 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
there’s def sex workers, but how does that make it dangerous?
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf84wk wrote
Reply to comment by Climboy55 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
Climeboy, all the people saying it’s dangerous don’t even go into that area.. it’s pretty much safe as anywhere else in the city
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf54m5 wrote
Reply to comment by Chef_Dani_J71 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
the neighborhood has actually gotten a lot better.. Gentrification is also headed that way for better or for worse
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf4qgh wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
if that’s the case my apologies
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf4j78 wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
I dunno maybe it wasn’t you, maybe i browsed this thread and just chose yours to respond to because most of these comments are ill informed
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf4biy wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
no i’m saying are there gangs? yes. should she be afraid of gangs messing with her? no. should she still be smart and aware like one should in any city? yes
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf40uk wrote
Reply to comment by Chef_Dani_J71 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
and clark is actually one of the better ones out of all of them, so you’d be doing your kid a disservice
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf3tfr wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
you’re telling her it’s not safe, if that’s true you can prove it right?
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf3k1g wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
when did anyone say anywhere was 100% safe? she should be smart enough to know that. Just play it smart and she’ll be ok. I’m not triggered, y’all just trying to scare this girl with false information.
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf3dx1 wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
and yea i’m pretty educated on this. I started one of the largest gangs in the city in my youth.. now i’m old and reformed. but i still keep my ear to the street.
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf37rw wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
Show me where someone has been attacked? Show her? We’ll wait
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf2pqt wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
She can listen to y’all who don’t even go near the area and just go off rumor and innuendo, or she can take it from someone who actually goes to the area and knows the gangs in the area. Clark and it’s surrounding areas are safe for people not involved in street/gang activity, and that’s just the facts .
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf29ll wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
so if it’s so dangerous, post the news articles of people being attacked in that area that’s not actively in a gang… Cuz y’all just feeding her bullshit and don’t even go near the area. I’m not telling her to not be smart. I’m telling her it’s not a warzone like some of you weirdos are telling her
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf0eey wrote
Reply to comment by Chef_Dani_J71 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
not true y’all putting extra sauce on it
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf02vk wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
She has no reason to worry if she’s not actively in a gang. They tend to leave the civilians alone.
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbezut6 wrote
Reply to comment by Blotofink in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
you’ll be fine in that area.. there’s def crackheads around that side of town.. but that area is generally safe if you’re not into street activity
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbezmzj wrote
Reply to Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
Yea you’ll be fine.. there’s def crackheads over there but for the most part you’re good.. Clark police patrol pretty often
BigResponsibility878 t1_jb6tcak wrote
Reply to AT&T Buidling by [deleted]
My mom worked there for like 20 years, but it’s been “vacant” for like 25. Def probably some NSA shit going on in there tho. NSA had a secret at&t front in New York for YEARS
BigResponsibility878 t1_jb2lt3t wrote
Reply to comment by hookhands in Jury duty experience in Worcester? by lcatlow
that’s a fact
BigResponsibility878 t1_jb2llef wrote
Reply to comment by hookhands in Jury duty experience in Worcester? by lcatlow
they did that shit
BigResponsibility878 t1_jaucbds wrote
Reply to comment by Doom-Hauer451 in Parking ban, but I'm out of state. Options? by TyC0n
depends. they might tow it if they need to plow
BigResponsibility878 OP t1_jbmo3bz wrote
Reply to comment by Veragoot in We need better strip clubs. by BigResponsibility878