BigZaddyZ3 t1_j5h2vsh wrote
Reply to comment by FridgeParade in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
Aren’t those just assumptions on your part tho? How do you know it isn’t simply because a life of endless hedonism probably becomes a bit boring after a little while?
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j5h1n2g wrote
Reply to comment by FridgeParade in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
Why do people like Elon Musk still opt to work then?
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j56j9mg wrote
Reply to comment by solardeveloper in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
Drop the pseudo-philosophical nonsense. Understanding the gravity and magnitude of something isn’t necessarily the same as fearing it. Don’t try and lecture me about this topic if you’re gonna make such ignorant assumptions.
And just so you know, past performance doesn’t necessarily always predict future events. So using the past to say “see, these other times such and such didn’t occur…” is fallacious thinking. You’re not the intellectual you seem to think you are if you couldn’t spot such an obvious fallacy in your logic tbh.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j55cbx8 wrote
Reply to comment by drewbreeezy in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
No. A fucking paint brush simply helped you paint better. It didn’t paint the entire fucking picture for you. Rendering all of your skills and experience now useless in the process. Get it? That’s the difference between this coming wave of AI versus past “innovations”. If you can’t see the obvious nuance here, may God have mercy on your naive, oblivious soul tbh. 😂 You likely won’t be ready for the upcoming seismic shifts these new technologies will create.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j55b7dm wrote
Reply to comment by Callisto_NTG in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
>> disagree about thinking though. Thinking isn’t simply processing information (which our computers already do). And being a person (which I know you aren’t claiming chatGPT to be) requires awareness and subjectivity. Which clever AI algorithms are not.
Okay but I didn’t say it was merely processing information. It’s the combination of both processing the current stimuli and internally reacting to it. That’s it. Thinking isn’t really unique or special. Us humans are just used to being the best at it. That won’t last forever though. For better or worse.
>>Whether we ever could create self aware, sentient, conscious AI, I have no clue.
Many experts in the field see it as a matter of when, not if. Very few challenge “the singularity” as a concept. Only when it’ll occur.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j559g3r wrote
Reply to comment by Callisto_NTG in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
Why is that relevant to whether or not it completes the task better than us? You’re trying to move the goal post to something you think is uniquely human (vague shit like “thoughts” and “awareness”)
A thought is basically just an internal process, instruction, or reaction that stems from a change in the body or environment. In certain senses, any machine that can discern it’s environment (and facilitate internal reaction processes to that environment) can “think” technically. Thinking isn’t even some magical ability unique to us. Even some of the simplest life forms can “think”. AI is already showing promise in that area and will only get better with time.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j55863p wrote
Reply to comment by drewbreeezy in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
The difference is that the tasks AI are beginning to beat us in are becoming increasingly more and more complex. AI is beginning to beat us at full jobs now. That’s different. Anyone who can’t see the upcoming paradigm shift AI will create is just willfully playing blind. The coming AI won’t just be another tool that helps us get the job done. It’ll soon do the job better than we ever could. Do you think that will have the same impact on society as a fucking toaster?
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j554ioa wrote
Reply to comment by solardeveloper in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
Irrelevant. You’ve said nothing that disproves that AI is still capable of exceeding human abilities already. AI is already more accurate than doctors. Thinking AI won’t eventually exceed even the best human minds in pretty much every sector is basically the same as those morons who thought the internet was a fad that would die out in the first five years.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j550t30 wrote
Reply to comment by Hexabunz in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
Except AI is already exceeding most people’s abilities as we speak… AI just passed the bar exam. Can the average person do that? AI beat humans in an art competition last year. Humans haven’t beat AI in a chess tournament in like 15 years. And it’s still only in its infancy. Think about what it’ll be capable of in 5 years.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j54tgvf wrote
Reply to ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
You’re surprised because the joke isn’t really any less “funny” than most of the dumb puns us humans come up with tbh. People on this sub seem to severely underestimate AI’s potential to match (and eventually exceed) human wit. We aren’t nearly as complex as we want to believe we are.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j4zrzmv wrote
Reply to comment by Zemirolha in New Microsoft AI can accurately mimic a human voice after analyzing a 3-second sample by Randoms001
Yeah because we all know old people are extremely tech -savvy and stay up to date on modern tech trends right? And we all know older people don’t typically have impaired critical thinking skills due to their old age right?
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j4ckoue wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging | Time by johnwayne2413
Maybe, but this doesn’t seem to really matter much in practice tho. I think most people would agree on that neither Musk nor Trump have the business acumen of their father. But when you’re born that rich, you tend to fall upwards I guess.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j4aujvr wrote
Reply to comment by iGothereLate78 in Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging | Time by johnwayne2413
What makes you so sure?
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j4auh3q wrote
Reply to comment by Grey___Goo_MH in Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging | Time by johnwayne2413
The money would just go to their heirs wouldn’t it?
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j1ue4ni wrote
Reply to comment by Chalkarts in AI and education by lenhoi
Ehh, if it happens it won’t be because of AI my friend.
People will still learn to read and write just fine without having to waste valuable time on a 5000 word-essay about the history of Brussel sprouts that’ll never be read again or even remembered after that semester.
Did calculators make us (as a species) forget math?
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j1ud84u wrote
Reply to comment by Chalkarts in AI and education by lenhoi
Yawn… You’re not even trying to make sense anymore I guess. The shitty definition you gave for an essay would literally make an essay no different from a clever one-liner on Twitter 😆😆😆
That’s not the definition of an essay at all bruh…
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j1ubpqn wrote
Reply to comment by Chalkarts in AI and education by lenhoi
Words = / = essays….
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j1ubeus wrote
Reply to AI and education by lenhoi
The answer’s obvious OP. Education will continue to shift away from doing things manually towards using the available tech to get the desired result. Similar to how standardized tests today allow you to use calculators for math that you would have had to do manually in the 1800s. Today it’s not really important for you to know the actual arithmetic behind the answer generated on the calculator. Just that you know how to use the calculator well enough to get the correct answer.
It’ll be the same with ai and writing, education, etc.
In the future, they’ll be tested more on how well they can use the AI to get the desired essay they want. Not on they’re ability to waste hours writing the meaningless essay by hand. (Which wasn’t really a necessary skill for 99% of people anyway, if we’re being honest.)
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j1u9uq0 wrote
Reply to comment by Chalkarts in AI and education by lenhoi
No. You guys are missing the point he’s making. He’s saying why do you specifically need to learn to write essays in a world where writing essays will be an obsolete skill for humans anyways?
It’d be like testing someone’s ability to steer and horse-and-carriage in 2022... The education system will definitely look completely different in the coming decades.
BigZaddyZ3 t1_it7s3qr wrote
Reply to comment by IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE in A.I.-Generated Art Is Already Transforming Creative Work by Gari_305
Good question. But I suppose that’s where copyright and intellectual property start to come into play…
BigZaddyZ3 t1_j5h3pzy wrote
Reply to comment by Miserable_Mine_8601 in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
Why do multi-millionaires who could stop working after their first big contract, usually wait until they’re old to retire? They don’t need the money, yet you rarely hear about rich 20 year olds retiring and choosing to live the exact life some here claim they would enjoy. Why?