I come from a large family, 8 children. One year money was evidently very short. We got a few small gifts on Christmas. A week later, after everything went on sale, we were woken up early with the call to "second Christmas". Our parents gave us lots of gifts just a little late. It became the favorite Christmas because we had 2 that year, and got lots of toys. It wasn't until we were adults that we learned about the real reason for second Christmas. It didn't tarnish the great childhood memory of the year we had 2 Christmases, in fact reinforced the love our parents felt.
Big_Brilliant997 t1_j1mfj8f wrote
Reply to LPT: If you are hurting this year for money and you don't have a lot for your kids for Christmas/holidays, hide what the gifts you have, make a treasure hunt with clues and riddles, and stretch it out to give them a great experience. by pinheadbrigade
I come from a large family, 8 children. One year money was evidently very short. We got a few small gifts on Christmas. A week later, after everything went on sale, we were woken up early with the call to "second Christmas". Our parents gave us lots of gifts just a little late. It became the favorite Christmas because we had 2 that year, and got lots of toys. It wasn't until we were adults that we learned about the real reason for second Christmas. It didn't tarnish the great childhood memory of the year we had 2 Christmases, in fact reinforced the love our parents felt.