
BlazingHadouken t1_ja1p75w wrote

One of the best weddings I've been to was a 15 minute ceremony, toonie bar (so booze was stupid cheap but not quite free), and initially served a comfortable amount of catering for dinner—it was definitely enough to feel like you had a proper meal, but a hair on the light side. Then about four hours into the reception, just an absolute shitload of delivery pizza shows up. Everyone still at the reception was at least a little greased by this point, needed to eat again, and was not in a place to have another proper sit-down meal. It was absolutely perfect, like manna from heaven. I highly implore anyone fretting over food at a wedding to adopt this approach.

The best weddings I've been to followed the same game plan: 20 minute vaguely-Catholic ceremony, later got the marriage blessed by the church so nobody had to sit through an actual Catholic wedding, open bar, single round of appropriately-filling catering with an extensive dessert buffet (same side of the family, and we have a savage hereditary sweet tooth).