Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivg4qfh wrote
Reply to comment by BookOfMormont in Vote "Change for Children" this Tuesday by Organic-Hovercraft-3
>I have a knee-jerk aversion to voting for the developer-backed slate
More than an aversion to a BOE controlled by the union it supposedly negotiates with?
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivg4dvq wrote
Reply to comment by SyndicalistCPA in Vote "Change for Children" this Tuesday by Organic-Hovercraft-3
The entire Public Safety budget, both police & fire, is less than the BOE budget increase. Follow the money!!!
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivdkf4k wrote
Reply to comment by TheLairdKnows in Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
That would be tragic if someone died during morning gridlock, but I doubt it would cause change. It's been a decade since Sandy, and absolutely nothing has been done to change our vulnerability there.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivd1o4c wrote
Reply to comment by thebruns in Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
Taking a kayak on a bus is somewhat difficult, and they don't let you off at the side of the water.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivd0zed wrote
Reply to comment by VanWorst in So who are we voting for that is not going rip us off blind w nonstop tax increases? by Accomplished_Day2991
>Fulop became mayor without establishment support.
He was opposed by the HCDO, but made lots of deals with other power brokers like Sandra Cunningham. Deals brokered by seasoned political operative Tommy Bertoli. That's how the sausage is made.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivczvmh wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
>It'd just take actual effort from a lot of folks who don't care to put forth effort.
Wow, thanks. I had no idea that was the answer!
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivc388n wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
People who are unrealistic are doomed to disappointment at best, the wall at worst. Your naïve attitude is like "why doesn't someone tell Putin to stop being so mean?" Until you have the votes, guns, or sometimes both, optimism is idiotic. Ask an Iranian or Venezuelan.
These power structures are powerful and stay powerful because they're really, really good at it. We can't even successfully take on a local self serving teacher's union, never mind appointed and unaccountable statewide and interstate "Authorities".
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivbut9m wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
Yes! Of course! You're as practical and realistic as always.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivbpx7l wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
They're not locals, they're just heading to the tunnel. The PA & TPK could easily eliminate all Downtown tunnel transients using the EZ-Pass system, but they have no incentive. To them, DT gridlock is a feature not a bug, otherwise the TPK would not have built and paid for the Jersey Ave Bridge.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivbpdkx wrote
Reply to comment by EyesOnImprovement in So who are we voting for that is not going rip us off blind w nonstop tax increases? by Accomplished_Day2991
Solomon cannot get elected Mayor without making the exact same deals with the corrupt JC power brokers that Fulop did. As a councilman, Fulop was exactly the reformist gadfly Solomon is.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivbobsp wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
Don't want to blow your mind or anything, but sometimes people actually NEED to drive, like an out of JC trip or, like me when I encountered this tunnel traffic shitshow, going to Home Depot for building supplies. And no, they could not be carried home on foot!
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iv5ter3 wrote
Reply to Using phone with Speaker on PATH train. by lazysloath1
This is a species of sub-human called an "asshole", defined by a total lack of the social skill known as "The Golden Rule". Then do what they want when they want, without a bit of consideration for its effects on other people.
You can find them just about anywhere, but situations like on the road where they intrude into your activity, or being trapped like you were on a train, are typically where their attitude of "no one else is real and has wants and needs, except for me" truly shines.
Cell phones are merely the latest way for the Asshole to make his presence known, it's direct predecessor was the boombox used to share their shitty taste in music with the known universe. It's current iteration is the car with the absurdly high-powered audio system and windows down blaring their shitty music.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuzao2i wrote
Reply to "The FBI has received credible information of a broad threat to synagogues in NJ." via @FBINewark by Brudesandwich
I'm trying to figure out why 2 separate articles in my google news feed on this from NPR and CBS show different photos of United Synagogue of Hoboken. WTF, do they know something? It's not like they sent someone to a convenient NJ shul, one was an aerial shot.
EDIT: now the New York Times posting has a picture of USH! WTF?
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuz5463 wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Expected Pension burden will increase everyone's taxes AGAIN!!! by ProBillofRights
I don't buy this in the least. All these teachers, firemen and cops would not be investment bankers. A relative has 2 Ivy degrees, manages a couple of dozen people in private health care, doesn't make what a teacher of similar seniority would, and has nothing like the Bennies.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuxbi3x wrote
Reply to comment by pixel_of_moral_decay in Recessed Lighting by smokeymacncheese
If you're getting flour on your pendants I would say they're too low! In my experience the ceiling of a kitchen gets grosser than anything else because of the rising grease from inadequate range venting.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuwnjfj wrote
Reply to comment by pixel_of_moral_decay in Recessed Lighting by smokeymacncheese
IMO a ceiling fan fixture, under-cabinet lights, and perhaps a pendant over the sink is far superior to cans. Not least because the downward pointed cans don't shed light INTO the cabinets so you can see what's in there! I have a 2nd row of glass door 18" cabs over a row of 30", and the ceiling fan lights them up beautifully, as well as making the kitchen more comfortable in warm weather.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuwlay4 wrote
Reply to Recessed Lighting by smokeymacncheese
I grew up in a lighting family, my dad was a lighting sales rep, and I studied industrial Design. I hate recessed lighting. It's an awful, no brain, cookie cutter approach to lighting. I do like having a central room light, often a ceiling fan fixture, and then you can accessorize with lamps. What you might like best is a "torchiere", a bright light on a stand that points to the ceiling so that all the light in the room is reflected down. Very soft and comfortable, some even have a reading lamp secondary light on the side of the pole.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuwfhsj wrote
Reply to comment by madaser123 in How should parents weigh BOE candidates? by R_At1antis
>Learn from successful schools such as McNair
There's nothing to learn when a school's success is based on skimming the best students from the rest of the district. Your premise would hold a lot more water naming a very successful lottery entry Charter like LCCS as a model. It produces superior results on a fraction the budget of a district school, and yes, it still has to pay for special ed students.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iufm6rz wrote
Reply to comment by Dependent_Map_3940 in Scrap metal guys? (or artist seeking bike parts?) by henry_sqared
You missed the point of trying to give away junk, it's supposed to be less work not more! Having you take one or two and leave him with the pile of crap is not the goal!
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuflocb wrote
Reply to comment by pixel_of_moral_decay in Share Natural Wireless reviews? by darktangent69
This is simply not true. My son is a professional 'mountain man' who spends his time all over the Rockies, Cascades, Alaska and Vermont. He has service from an ATT MVNO that has not been a problem at all.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuf0y4d wrote
Reply to comment by pixel_of_moral_decay in Share Natural Wireless reviews? by darktangent69
Sounds good as long as it's cheaper. I've always had cell service from MVNOs, and think anyone who pays top dollar for direct service with the carriers is a fool.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iudm57k wrote
Reply to comment by SpaceGhost113 in What’s going on with Amy? by sadlunchesaresad
Horseshit. I grew up in Nassau County with the Republican machine that produced Al D'Amato, the Republican doppelganger of Bob Menendez. It was every bit as corrupt. Machines are machines are machines.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuaqcma wrote
Reply to What’s going on with Amy? by sadlunchesaresad
She's apparently counting on HCDO corruption and voter apathy to not only to keep her office, but probably to see her through to the mayors office. Not bad plan given our history. Princesses will princess, you can all fucking eat cake!
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iu714g9 wrote
Reply to comment by SyndicalistCPA in Please explain like I'm 5: JCBOE election ballot by Affectionate-Buy2539
Those filters do not apparently function in spreadsheets other than actual Excel, which is often not owned by people like me who have no reason to invest in the MS pro suite. In LibreOffice (open source) I get this error "Ranges containing merged cells can only be sorted without formats." I managed to get them to sort in Google Sheets, but not by those filters. So I need to download the files, then upload them to google!
Government agencies should not publish data in proprietary formats. Jersey City distributed a sheet about boiler inspections in a Word doc instead of a PDF! Yes, I know PDF is originally Adobe, but at this point there's many readers/writers and I've never had a problem with it. Word often has problems with interoperability, as apparently does Excel.
But, to get back to your inquiry as to why focus on teachers rather than bloated admin staff and salaries: teacher are 56% of the overall budget while admin is 8%. I shouldn't need to tell a CPA to follow the money!
Have you ever taken a look at the JCPS "user friendly budget"? I did. I found line item terms that Google couldn't define!
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivh2q04 wrote
Reply to Turnpike Authority Forgot to Mention 10X Cheaper Option to Repair Turnpike Extension Bridge by jimmybot
I actually really like the idea of building a new bridge and having the old one rehabbed with added BRT Lanes. Anyone who travels past 14a knows that there's a tremendous amount of container cargo coming out of the port and that adding a couple of lanes of bridge would ease the problems there. They could even have the lanes on the old one reverse like the third tube at the Lincoln.
But anyone with a brain knows that widening from 14a to the tunnel is idiotic. You'll just be creating a larger parking lot!
All that said, I would love to understand the reasoning that the containers from the port aren't being put on rail cars instead of trucks. Rail is just so much more efficient and environmental.