
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ixa4vdi wrote

Far cheaper is the BRT plan I keep yapping about, and a heavy rail PATH style train will simply NEVER happen, the cost is far far too high.

Make Ocean from the Bayonne line up to Summit, JSQ PATH and all the way to 495 (and then to 42nd St PA) a Bus Rapid Transit route. No cars, just buses with loading platforms and stops every 1/2 mile like a subway or Light Rail. Signal priority so they zoom through the lights. It would be just like having a Subway line the length of the city and it would transform JC!

All the whining about needing parking for cars will be undercut by a massive improvement in the local transit and connections to the city and PATH at a relatively cheap cost compared to any other option. Yes there's current bus lines, but they are slow and often undependable especially during the heavy traffic hours they're needed most. This would be more like a Light rail with no tracks to lay. And make them electric or hydrogen powered.

Here's the route:


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iwv5hbq wrote

Would the city be subject to a discrimination lawsuit if it declined to hire people already on the public tit? As for Solomon's "job" at HCCC, I'd say we can slice this knot by saying we're only talking about jobs that vest a government pension, which is actually what all the double dipping is about. ADG is the classic example. There was also the case of a full time HCST teacher also working (supposedly) full time as a supervisor at the Parking Authority.

All these patronage jobs are the political and literal currency the HCDO uses to maintain power. It's how they try and corrupt any outsiders who manage to take office. Fulop, with his ambitions, took the Kool-Aid. Dawn Zimmer, without further office in mind, did not, and remained a target of the HCDO her whole tenure.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson OP t1_iwnyoxm wrote

It wouldn't be bad if it was a kitchen two or three times the size! It's a corner 5 ft on a side, less than 17 square feet of stone. I think the problem is something I've ran into before when I was trying to do one of these, is that they have a minimum charge for preparation and installation. Some are explicit about this, others simply give a high price.

I guess things didn't change since then, I've already built 6 stone tile counters, time to do another...


Blecher_onthe_Hudson OP t1_iwk7uji wrote

Whatever Comrade. You clearly have no idea what a capital and labor intensive business rental property is. You seem to imagine we plucked the property from tree and didn't have to borrow vast sums, or have to continually invest to bring crumbling shithole 140 year old buildings back to habitability.

Sure, we just sit back and have nubile young girls drop grapes in our mouths! Grow the fuck up.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivq1owo wrote

I'm going to taking a page from the 'LUXURY HOUSING!' guy and banging my BRT drum in every applicable thread.

Make Ocean from the Bayonne line up to Summit, JSQ PATH and all the way to 495 (and then to 42nd St PA) a Bus Rapid Transit route. No cars, just buses with loading platforms and stops every 1/2 mile like a subway or Light Rail. Signal priority so they zoom through the lights. It would be just like having a Subway line the length of the city and it would transform JC!

All the whining about needing parking for cars will be undercut by a massive improvement in the local transit and connections to the city and PATH at a relatively cheap cost compared to any other option. Yes there's current bus lines, but they are slow and often undependable especially during the heavy traffic hours they're needed most. This would be more like a Light rail with no tracks to lay. And make them electric or hydrogen powered.

Here's the route:


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivlsks5 wrote

I eat the migratory fish from the river like fluke, tog and the rare barely keeper striper. They are only here a few months of the year unlike crabs or white perch, and there's really no difference between the fish population in the River/Bay and those in the Sound or Raritan Bay. The striper you catch off of Montauk might have been up the Hudson River just a few days earlier.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivkpynp wrote

If Dixon is as big a mess as indicated downthread, you may be on your own here. If you wanted to get it done instead havin git collapse while you're sending messages in a bottle, you could hire a contractor yourself and withhold the cost from the rent. As long as it's meticulously documented, including the log of attempted contacts, you should be fine.

Or you could withhold rent and put it in an escrow account. That will get their attention. I think that the Housing Court even manages escrows, but I don't really know.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivk29cu wrote

Dr Haroon Faraz. He has several affiliations and offices, I saw him last in Hackensack. When I asked a relative who works at Hoboken Hospital for a recommendation I was told he was very highly thought of by the staff.