
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j81844f wrote

>I really do not understand why we think parks should be dog toilets.

"We" don't, but this battle has been going on a long time. The people who passionately argued against dog-free zones and dog parks insisted that there was no reason why 'we can't all just get along and share', when that meant they and their dogs could do whatever they wanted and we had to watch out for both aggressive dogs and where we sat or stepped.

I love dogs, but I've made the choice not to have one because I am not willing to put in the time commitment required for being a responsible owner. Unfortunately this does not seem to stop many, many dog owners.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j80b40g wrote

We all perceive this, the fact that the JCPD has basically abdicated on traffic stops means that a certain percentage of drivers and riders, that we call "assholes", do whatever they want with impunity, like the wrong way that u/DirectorBeneficial48 mentioned. I've posted videos of 'left on reds'. I think most people try to be considerate, but some just operate like everyone else in the world are NPCs in their game. The possible exception is Ebike riders who universally ignore every and all traffic laws.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7sykv8 wrote

Essentially I believe that dog parks are a better alternative than off leash dogs everywhere, which was the norm before there were dog parks.

The very early morning hours are not when I'm in the park but I have heard that there are still people who run their dogs off leash then, free to crap and pee wherever they want. Back in the good old days when I had a toddler, I watched a guy let his dog crap just feet from the unfenced playground and walk away...


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7smien wrote

I'm sure you have observed that most dogs you see on the street aren't trained at all, never mind trained to do intensive exercise on the leash. Nearly 25 years ago there were huge battles at the Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association meetings between the people who wanted a dog park versus the people who insisted on continuing to use the entire park as their dog run, creating a physical and health hazard for everyone else.

I have highly intelligent friends and relatives who seem utterly unable to train their badly behaved dogs no matter how well meant they are. My brother-in-law is training his young dog to steal shoes, by a bribing him to return them with a treat!

Another relative insists (after his Portuguese Waterdog bit me) that his aggression is an innate prey instinct. My unsaid response is that back in the day when dogs worked for a living, a dog that was uncontrollably aggressive or otherwise untrainable was put down and removed from the canine gene pool instead of coddled and enabled as a pampered pet.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7roiqx wrote

And that leaves what, illegally letting your dog off leash elsewhere in that park or in some other park?

Honestly, 'dog licenses' should mean the owner has qualified to own a dog by passing a training knowledge test and posting a liability bond. (Don't get me started on 'parenting licenses')


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7qkde0 wrote


We're not much for houseplants, We like to keep our streetside ground floor shades drawn, and there's not a lot of room anyway. I focus on the vegetable & fruit garden. We used to have a ficus tree we gave away.

A few years ago we acquired a couple of orchids, and amazingly they bloom every winter for months! They and the cactus are hard to kill.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7oeqnk wrote

Reply to comment by DontBeEvil1 in Locked myself out by HumanBoot4428

Nope, I guess I'm not as smart as you think I am. The OP said they locked themselves out. To me that always means that they pulled the door closed with the latch set to lock, while not in possession of their keys. If it's more complicated than that you're going to have to explain it to me instead of blowing smoke.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7numc2 wrote

Reply to comment by DontBeEvil1 in Locked myself out by HumanBoot4428

No, I didn't know that, and I've installed so many locks I should get an honorary locksmith's union card. I just installed one this evening. Unless it's a roommate who's thrown a blind deadbolt, I'm all ears to hear how one gets locked out while actually having the keys to fully functional locks.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7mx5ic wrote

Lord, I go through this with tenants all the time. If you don't have a backup of some kind like a neighbor or a hidden key, then don't set your latch to lock behind you! If you have to turn and lock with your key you'll know whether you have your keys with you or not!

Besides if you're doing it in a way you can get locked out, then you're not throwing your deadbolt and your place is much less secure.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7mwgh5 wrote

Reply to comment by SonOfMcGee in New hotdog in town by stansberry12

I like a grilled dog too, but the determining quality factor in either preparation is how long it's been sitting there. A place that doesn't move their grilled dogs puts shriveled little peckers on your bun.

At home I lightly microwave the dog (A&H kosher beef) and then put it on a piece of foil in the toaster oven on "toast". Plump and snappy!


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j7ihr31 wrote

Well, part of the reason it didn't work was that you couldn't post pictures in the comments until very recently! I participate in very similar threads in forums all over the internet, they would get very negative feedback if everybody posted on the exact same topic in different threads.

Some of these threads are decades old with thousands of comments, like on a craftsman website where the thread is "what did you do today". All you have to do to comment on somebody's comment is quote or partially quote the post that you're referring to.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j72vfvw wrote

It just takes planning not to sit in a PATH station forever. They actually follow a schedule, I used to be out late in the Village once a week, and simply had to leave the bar 10 minutes before the train was coming. Beats the suburban commuter rails.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j70shv5 wrote

Well, if you like historical fiction like W&P, you should try Patrick O'Brien's Master and Commander series. Picture a Napoleonic War Royal Navy swashbuckler as written by Jane Austen, and you'll get the idea. It's got amazing language and characters, such that a huge part of his fan base is female!

His fans often work their way through all 20 books and then start again. It's one continuous narrative as his two heroes, a naval captain and his ship's surgeon who happens to be an intelligence agent for the British Admiralty, sail their way around the world several times.