
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jdjulaj wrote

>The land portion of a property tax is impossible to pass down to renters because the supply of land is fixed. Only the building portion gets passed down.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. You can charge whatever the market will bear on unregulated housing. You can also structure it however you want. I found including free heat and laundry in the rent was hurting me in the search algorithms, so I broke it out into a fixed surcharge and lowered the rent. Separate water charges are common in some areas of the country. I don't see a legal reason a landlord can't simply break out the tenant portion of the tax and call it a separate charge if they like, and lower the 'rent' charge.

>I wonder what the median value of a property in this metro is?

You seem oddly helpless for an admirer of a numbers wonk.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jdiq29o wrote

You cannot compare just property taxes when comparing states. You need to look at 'total tax burden'. Some places use heavy sales and excise taxes instead of RE taxes, and it ends up very regressive. Note the difference between FL, always touted as low tax, & NJ is only 4%. But if you're wealthy, it goes up a lot because of no income tax.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jd3dfba wrote

Consider getting a clipper and DIY. I also have a very basic cut and have been doing it myself for over 20 years. Think of how much money I've saved! Plus the hassle of not having to plan it and go out and do it. I just grab the clippers and warn my wife I'm going to ask her to do the line at back of my neck in 10 minutes.

5/8 on top and chin. Tapers around ears. 1/4 for sides and back. 3/8 for rest of beard.

Seriously, it's not rocket science. Give it a go, for <$30, how bad can it be that you can't get it fixed in a week?


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jbibj0d wrote

Reply to Mint Mobile by StarrrBrite

FYI Mint is not a network, it's a reseller, aka MVNO. IIRC they're selling TMobile. Nothing wrong with that, I've only used MVNOs, currently using ATT from Redpocket, which sells all 3. Just so you know, all wireless is either ATT, Verizon or T-Mobile.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jbbrba8 wrote

Not to mention that the dates for acceptance at the various magnet and private schools are all different, leading to having to make a commitment before you've heard from all of them.

Good luck. If it helps hearing from the other side of the process, my kids who went to McNair and their friends who went to the county schools all got well prepared for college and are doing great!


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jb86p2a wrote

Cost. Not only would it have to be tall enough to clear the masts of the sailboats, but it would probably have to be ADA compliant, making it insanely expensive. The bridge over West St to Stuyvesant HS is not nearly as tall as this would need to be and was scandalously expensive decades ago at $14m and is less than 1/3 the height a Morris Canal bridge would need to be. Let's not even discuss what a drawbridge would entail!


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jb3h19n wrote

Most of the negative things said about LHS are untrue, they're not abusive or a high kill shelter. We've fostered dozens of kittens for them, they have hardworking and caring staff. That said, someone high in management there seems to be a Covid-phobic nutcase. They still won't let people into the shelter even masked, and expect people to adopt a new family member over Zoom!

We adopted our sweet new adult boy cat at Newark Associated Humane. They were great, and didn't require the obnoxious & intrusive application forms, multiple references, and vet calls that the 'crazy cat lady' rescues do. Newark has animals that need homes, and don't have time to indulge in screwing around. Highly recommended if you have a car, they're in the ass end of nowhere there.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jas0pom wrote

You should get your facts straight, private towing companies cannot tow cars from the street, not even from in front of your driveway. It has to be on PRIVATE PROPERTY! IIRC this isn't the first time you've given this erroneous advice.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jap44lb wrote

Reply to comment by imaluckyduckie in Its a miracle by frequency_poet

So walking out with the basket isn't stealing because it's not for sale?

Home Depot has such a problem with people walking out with power tools right past the employees that they're implementing a system where the tools need to be activated digitally at checkout to be able to work.