Blexcr0id t1_j642cqo wrote
Reply to comment by PastNectarine5852 in Firefighters Union Pushes to Rid Protective Gear of ‘Forever Chemicals’ - WSJ by Etheking
Interesting. Thank you. There must be a better solution out there that is relatively safe and effective, but I guess the chemical companies that produce and sell the existing firefighting foams wouldn't be able to maximize profit for shareholders...
Blexcr0id t1_j63z8rj wrote
Reply to comment by PastNectarine5852 in Firefighters Union Pushes to Rid Protective Gear of ‘Forever Chemicals’ - WSJ by Etheking
I heard years ago that there was a protein-based firefighting foam invented in the 80s/90s. Would be interested to see if that was true. Would been to consider BOD/COD in firefighting water runoff but that's definitely better than PFAS/PFOA/PFXX.
Blexcr0id t1_j5nzsfn wrote
Reply to comment by Idrillteeth in Four Men Toss Deer Urine On Woman And In Aisles At Walmart In Gettysburg: Police by jillianpikora
$5 says they recorded it for social media.
Blexcr0id t1_j5j6uw3 wrote
If you want a deep history, there's The Geology of Pennsylvania...
Blexcr0id t1_j5ejons wrote
Know where all your vehicles control switches/buttons are and don't forget your turn signals when you're parallel parking and driving.
Blexcr0id t1_j59r1dm wrote
Reply to comment by Pangolin36 in Punxsutawney Phil to be final inductee in Meteorologist Hall of Fame by Yinzerman1992
Or Cecily Tynan. 🙃
Blexcr0id t1_j58apmm wrote
Reply to comment by jmarinara in Punxsutawney Phil to be final inductee in Meteorologist Hall of Fame by Yinzerman1992
Glen "Hurricane" Schwartz better be a first ballot or I'll riot.
Blexcr0id t1_j4zl0lc wrote
Reply to comment by AlVic40117560_ in Anyone been to Blue Mountain recently? Is it worth going up? by pinnokeyo
I always liked Elk just as much as Blue. The Elk webcams are not working for me so I don't know mtn. conditions.
Blexcr0id t1_j4zkp68 wrote
Reply to comment by Castor_and_Pollux123 in What are the new small structures on PA turnpike? Between K of P and Reading? by NanaCooker
Got a cell phone?
Blexcr0id t1_j4zk1lr wrote
Reply to comment by Alternative-Flan2869 in In first act as governor, Josh Shapiro opens Pa. jobs to people without college degrees by OhmyMary
Word! I heard that if you get enough political interest, you can take and retake the GED until they cave to political pressure and give you a pass on your FIFTH attempt.
Blexcr0id t1_j4fsp2o wrote
Reply to comment by Dredly in Pennsylvania was heavily deforested in the 1800s; mostly due to unchecked logging companies. by Libsoccer20
They pinky-swear that money and power will be trickling down any day now. I'm just a down-on-his-luck millionaire.
Blexcr0id t1_j4d569g wrote
Reply to comment by Another-random-acct in Lawsuit filed alleging 'dangerous' levels of 'forever chemicals' in York County creek by Another-random-acct
Yes. Makes me doubt the legitimacy of those results. Aaaand the company that makes those PFAS sampling bottles doesn't have an accredited lab or use an approved sample method for analysis.
Blexcr0id t1_j4auj33 wrote
The pay is enough to live on. When I leave work I do not think about it until my start time next day. If you don't like you job or manager, there are many opportunities to move around. (Not just in your agency either.) Decent benefits and pension. If deferred compensation is available, take it. Even $20 per pay can really add up if you stick around for awhile. Job security.
Blexcr0id t1_j4au204 wrote
Reply to comment by bitterbeerfaces in PA State/Gov’t Workers: What is it like? Any tips for me? by doccopham178
I've seen one person get fired and it was an eight-month process.
Blexcr0id t1_j4atp7u wrote
Reply to comment by Steelplate7 in PA State/Gov’t Workers: What is it like? Any tips for me? by doccopham178
There are times that I worry that a certain political party will drive this state into the ground so my pension won't be there when I retire. My coworkers tell me that it guaranteed in the state constitution and that I am a worry-wart but then I see the bills and constitutional amendments some of these semiconscious rectal polyps propose and I start to worrying again.
Blexcr0id t1_j4at746 wrote
Blexcr0id t1_j4asvvy wrote
Reply to comment by RedditMemesSuck in Lawsuit filed alleging 'dangerous' levels of 'forever chemicals' in York County creek by Another-random-acct
There are several treatment technologies that can remove PFAS/PFOA to meet recommended drinking water concentrations.
As with any treatment, the question is how do you dispose of the treatment systems byproducts (GAC/resins/membrane backwash & cleaning washwaters) when they reach end-of-service removal efficiencies.
Blexcr0id t1_j3qot4x wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Farm show offers info sessions about mental health by greenhousecrtv
I mean, it's still a really cool event (& free!) where you can check out a buncha stuff about agriculture in PA. Definitely not what it was but most things change and the number of smaller family farms get acquired for subdivisions, warehouses, or corporate farming.
Blexcr0id t1_j3qn9m0 wrote
Reply to comment by crankshaft123 in Can anyone tell me if a PA resident can register a car in a county they don’t reside in? by belleayreski2
100%! I've seen the death traps folks drive in Ohio and would rather deal with PA inspections process (with a reputable inspection station).
Blexcr0id t1_j3qmwzg wrote
Reply to comment by Alternative-Flan2869 in Does anyone know how long Marcellus shale gas could potentially last? by [deleted]
Yes. If you own a bunch of land and stagger well installation, you could plan for optimal revenue year-to-year.
Blexcr0id t1_j3ql94u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Farm show offers info sessions about mental health by greenhousecrtv
Lots of spotless Carhartt jackets and shiny boots this year.
Blexcr0id t1_j3ql4m4 wrote
Don't buy in styrofoam anyways...
Blexcr0id t1_j3qkzit wrote
Reply to comment by brashendeavors in Never noticed it until last night, but Animaniacs got the location of Harrisburg wrong. by ianmunroe
Lake Eerie got mad and ate everything until it hit Brookville.
Blexcr0id t1_j3gnfxi wrote
The Delaware Valley EWS incident summary update indicates that there is a cleanup contractor engaged for cleanup and remediation.
Blexcr0id t1_j683tg0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ihaveaboot in Oaks are dying at record rates across Chesapeake region by Strongbow85
Conifers establish earlier in the timeline of forest succession from clear-cutting or land clearing operations. Deciduous trees take a few decades to get established so you'll see more of them as time goes on.