
Blexcr0id t1_j4auj33 wrote

The pay is enough to live on. When I leave work I do not think about it until my start time next day. If you don't like you job or manager, there are many opportunities to move around. (Not just in your agency either.) Decent benefits and pension. If deferred compensation is available, take it. Even $20 per pay can really add up if you stick around for awhile. Job security.


Blexcr0id t1_j4atp7u wrote

There are times that I worry that a certain political party will drive this state into the ground so my pension won't be there when I retire. My coworkers tell me that it guaranteed in the state constitution and that I am a worry-wart but then I see the bills and constitutional amendments some of these semiconscious rectal polyps propose and I start to worrying again.


Blexcr0id t1_j4asvvy wrote

There are several treatment technologies that can remove PFAS/PFOA to meet recommended drinking water concentrations.,a%20balance%20between%20many%20factors.

As with any treatment, the question is how do you dispose of the treatment systems byproducts (GAC/resins/membrane backwash & cleaning washwaters) when they reach end-of-service removal efficiencies.