Blotofink OP t1_jbg5nd5 wrote
Reply to comment by teasea02 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
MFA in Interactive Media & they're names are Smudge and Omen. They're brothers!
Blotofink OP t1_jbg59m9 wrote
Reply to comment by basilblueberry in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
Yeah I've been frequently to cities growing up and I'm from cali, so I am plenty used to homeless people shenanigans. I think I'm just nervous about actually LIVING in a city, but I'm likely just psyching myself out.
Blotofink OP t1_jbelic9 wrote
Reply to comment by FIFAFanboy2023 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
oh noooo. That's unfortunate.
Blotofink OP t1_jbehpck wrote
Reply to comment by Business_Fly_5746 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
Yeah. Even in safe places I've lived, I don't go out unless I'm in a group in like a downtown area cause of some freaky occurrences. And I'm not known to stay out late anyways (unless like class? but they have a shuttle from what I hear past 4pm).
Blotofink OP t1_jbeh62a wrote
Reply to comment by Sbonkers in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
Sort of like Clifton/Oberlin - ish if that helps?
Blotofink OP t1_jbn4gn1 wrote
Reply to comment by teasea02 in Is the area around Clark University safe? by Blotofink
Ah, he is not famous, no. He's technically not even a year old yet. But I would say that he's my own personal meme since his eyes are big and he always look like he's on crack XD Thank you Ted.