
BobJacobs2022 t1_itupm5z wrote

It's going around. I work in an Urgent Care and everyone is coming in with what you have. No one is testing positive for Covid. I think it's this weather, allergies or prob a virus picked up from the little ones. You'll feel better in a few days.


BobJacobs2022 t1_itduyg5 wrote

Welcome to RI...otherwise know as the corrupt state. Sorry this is happening, but corruption rules. I'd just pack up and move. However, make sure you blast this story all over the place as you leave....good luck!


BobJacobs2022 t1_is3756k wrote

I'm old enough to remember when you talked politics you just laughed and said that person sucks and I'm not voting for them and move Now....its an all out vial, name calling, personal attack on the person you disagree with....judging by these comments, the hate and divide is alive and well and not going anywhere. Dang!