Make sure that you reward any positive or even neutral comments, with enthusiasm and approval. If they start making negative comments make minimal replies or or even refuse acknowledgement. It’ll be a long haul, but eventually they should get the message from all the subliminal training you’re giving them.
Good luck OP, you’re a very nice person but remember it’s okay to just say “no” sometimes.
Booboodelafalaise t1_iu93l79 wrote
Reply to LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
Make sure that you reward any positive or even neutral comments, with enthusiasm and approval. If they start making negative comments make minimal replies or or even refuse acknowledgement. It’ll be a long haul, but eventually they should get the message from all the subliminal training you’re giving them.
Good luck OP, you’re a very nice person but remember it’s okay to just say “no” sometimes.