Bootstrapbill22 t1_j74ynjw wrote
Reply to comment by Tankk94 in King gizzard are overrated and I’m so tired of seeing them posted ad nauseam on any music sub by arseinmymouth
I will mention, their skill isn’t displayed as much in their studio stuff as much as the live stuff. But Jerry and Phil were both virtuoso-level players and improvisers. Late 60s were my favorite stuff!
Bootstrapbill22 t1_j74xeyr wrote
Reply to comment by Tankk94 in King gizzard are overrated and I’m so tired of seeing them posted ad nauseam on any music sub by arseinmymouth
Check out Turn On Your Love Light off of the album ‘Live/Dead’. Highly reccomend that whole album, it’s my favorite “official” live album of theirs! Some truly mindbending improv on there. Just pop that whole album on front to back for the whole experience
Bootstrapbill22 t1_j74p8ay wrote
Reply to comment by Tankk94 in King gizzard are overrated and I’m so tired of seeing them posted ad nauseam on any music sub by arseinmymouth
I’m not sure id say their technical chops are better than the dead…. Nobody in Gizz plays guitar or bass like Jerry or Phil, but then again I’d take Cavs over Billy/Mickey any day. Ambrose=Pigpen tho
Bootstrapbill22 t1_j74oqvv wrote
Reply to comment by arseinmymouth in King gizzard are overrated and I’m so tired of seeing them posted ad nauseam on any music sub by arseinmymouth
Mate complex chord progressions don’t equal good songs. Buuut if you actually had listened to the band you’ll find quite a few bands interesting progressions, but they aren’t shoved in your face. KG aren’t trying to make radio hits.
Also, the microtonal concept wasn’t intended to be like “Woahh this so so complex”, they were intentionally trying to bring them in in a subtle way that is still listenable to most western rock fans.
Bootstrapbill22 t1_j744b9f wrote
Reply to comment by arseinmymouth in King gizzard are overrated and I’m so tired of seeing them posted ad nauseam on any music sub by arseinmymouth
You sound like you listened to half of one of their albums and formed an opinion. I guarantee you their is a lot more to their music than that.
Bootstrapbill22 t1_j74z0xh wrote
Reply to comment by Tankk94 in King gizzard are overrated and I’m so tired of seeing them posted ad nauseam on any music sub by arseinmymouth
Cheers man!