BoricPenguin t1_itug00k wrote
Well yeah PC parts and computers keep getting more and more expensive.
Also while I like windows 10 and use it, windows 11 is a insult to PC users in my opinion, it's like they didn't learn anything from why 8 failed.
Not to mention how many people really need a PC? Like let's be honest they don't and that's part of the problem, PCs can only grow so much.
BoricPenguin t1_itnn7jo wrote
Reply to After complaints, Volkswagen will ditch capacitive steering wheel controls | Recent VWs have shipped with capacitive multifunction steering wheels, and they're bad. by chrisdh79
I hate how companies want to make things like this all because it's idk futuristic or something without any care if it's good I personally wish there was more push back against stuff like this given the only time it has worked is smartphones(mostly) and that's about it.
It's only getting push back on cars because well it's fucking dangerous!
BoricPenguin t1_itnlfc4 wrote
Reply to Apple testing Apple Silicon Mac Pro with 24-core CPU, 76-core GPU, 192GB of memory by prehistoric_knight
WOW meaningless numbers because they can't really be compared especially on the GPU side..
Also personally Apple really should just kill the Mac Pro like I don't see how they can make a better product then what they currently sell with their silicon because part of the reason the Mac pro is good and is A REAL PRO PRODUCT is that the user can easily access the parts and even upgrade and swap them out!
Also I highly doubt the GPU will be better because the GPUs on the high end of the mac pros are very good and are products people use for work meaning there's a level of reliability and they're even certified for specific applications which is why they're also very expensive. Like I don't see how Apple can really do that.
Maybe it's the IMac pro which would actually make a ton of sense given where the fuck is the IMac pro especially given their fantastic displays they could really make great all in one.
BoricPenguin t1_isop7q0 wrote
Reply to Comcast wanted $210,000 for Internet—so this man helped expand a co-op fiber ISP | Fed up with Comcast and AT&T, Silicon Valley residents started their own network. by chrisdh79
I really hope the US fixes it's internet problem, like big ISPs are shit companies you have to deal with in many cases like in my area there's ONLY Comcast and somehow Comcast has exclusively for my fucking town meaning others ones cannot legally compete with them in my town....
And is the service good? Actually it's pretty good, my town is in the middle of nowhere basically and I have pretty good speeds so I am pretty happy but only in the last few years! It used to be pure shit and would just stop working for some reason and just a ton of other bad stuff.
This is the problem I had to deal with a bad internet for years until they fixed their shit! And there's no other company! You're just fucked!
The US needs restrictions and more forced standards for these ISPs to follow so even if there's only one it has to meet a specific restriction. Those restrictions and standards should be set pretty high because frankly it's not a hard service to deliver.
Internet is a must in today's world but the US just let's these companies do what ever like it's some niche market.
BoricPenguin t1_is870w4 wrote
Reply to PayPal HK halts payments to Hong Kong pro-democracy group, citing unspecified 'excessive risks' by Logan_Mac
Sad but makes sense, China is a horrible country while also being a massive economic which creates a problem for companies since well if you stand up you're gone so not really a smart move.
BoricPenguin t1_itvqp01 wrote
Reply to comment by SwagginsYolo420 in Microsoft profits down 14% as Windows hit by weak PC sales by Sorin61
I think current and last generation Intel(it may also help ARM CPUs but I could be wrong on that) parts you will lose some performance on Windows 10 due to Windows 11 handling big and small cores better then 10 and that's it I think.
Frankly Windows 11 isn't bad it's just 10 but a bit worst and that's why for me it's so insulting! Everything they added or changed in 11 could've just been a update for 10 maybe two it wasn't much, but instead they called it a new OS and want users to install a new OS..o and it's also worst in many ways.