BostonFoliage t1_jdoqsk3 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique_Engineering_3 in Washington Supreme Court upholds new capital gains tax by Bozzooo
Let's hope so. Prices will come back down & wages will come up. Fingers crossed you're right.
BostonFoliage t1_jdnptjk wrote
Reply to comment by Unique_Engineering_3 in Washington Supreme Court upholds new capital gains tax by Bozzooo
Adjusted for official inflation numbers. I think official numbers are deceptively lower than the reality.
Don't you feel like you money is buying you less and less? Maybe it's just me.
BostonFoliage t1_jdnjt46 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique_Engineering_3 in Washington Supreme Court upholds new capital gains tax by Bozzooo
Official inflation is 6% but my groceries and rent are 30-50% higher. Anyhow, hope you're right about it. Wish I could say I trust our leaders as much as you do.
BostonFoliage t1_jdnhdf6 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique_Engineering_3 in Washington Supreme Court upholds new capital gains tax by Bozzooo
I'm talking about 5 years from now the way inflation is going. It's hard to pay rent and buy groceries as is today.
BostonFoliage t1_jdn4yxe wrote
Reply to comment by Unique_Engineering_3 in Washington Supreme Court upholds new capital gains tax by Bozzooo
I hope you're right boss.
BostonFoliage t1_jdl90g2 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique_Engineering_3 in Washington Supreme Court upholds new capital gains tax by Bozzooo
You like paying more money for everything?
BostonFoliage t1_jdl0s65 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique_Engineering_3 in Washington Supreme Court upholds new capital gains tax by Bozzooo
Hyperinflation will make your aspiration a reality soon enough.
BostonFoliage t1_jdfd2x0 wrote
Reply to comment by BeardiesRule112 in Andrew’s Point, Rockport: Homeowner suing to end public access by SarcasticRaspberries
Everyone write a good review for Andrew's Point so Google would drive more traffic there:
BostonFoliage t1_jaf3kqs wrote
Reply to comment by potentpotables in Just came back from FL and ... by kamikaze_girl
It would come with cameras installed in your bathroom and no closed door policy.
BostonFoliage t1_ja4xjrh wrote
Reply to comment by solarjazzman in Tell your State Legislators: Cosponsor the Medicare for All bill by solarjazzman
BostonFoliage t1_ja41vpw wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Neck-2422 in How worried should we be if the debt ceiling isn’t lifted? by AgathaMarple
Jerome confirmed last week in an interview at the Economic Club of Washington DC that there will be no trillion dollar coin. So it's up to Congress to decide what to do with spending and debt.
BostonFoliage t1_ja3mq8v wrote
Retirees will be put into nursing homes and stripped of assets one way or another. That's a natural course of every society that has workers and non-working dependents.
BostonFoliage t1_j9z06su wrote
Reply to Employer Health Care Not MCC Compliant by SoPoOneO
Government knows better what's best for you.
BostonFoliage t1_j9wc3s1 wrote
Reply to comment by kevalry in A man was shoved onto Blue Line tracks in Revere. He landed on his feet and just barely missed getting hit by an oncoming train. by _Hack_The_Planet_
Is Toronto really as bad as NYC?
BostonFoliage t1_j9wc1np wrote
Reply to comment by LightBound in A man was shoved onto Blue Line tracks in Revere. He landed on his feet and just barely missed getting hit by an oncoming train. by _Hack_The_Planet_
You could also stop that from happening by the means of law enforcement.
BostonFoliage t1_j54afao wrote
Reply to comment by Economy-Excuse-1614 in To the guy who stepped in by LibertyCash
And a PSA for folks, make sure to report these issues using MBTA See Say app. They usually respond immediately.
BostonFoliage t1_j2xhq51 wrote
Reply to Is a red line shutdown impending due to this massive increase in delays? by EconomySeaweed7693
It is the new normal. And it's only going to get worse.
BostonFoliage t1_j2eay11 wrote
Reply to comment by Psychological-Bear-9 in Feel safe by Kazbob48
Maine is the safest and also the whitest state in the nation.
BostonFoliage t1_j2e7nsa wrote
Reply to comment by Itchy-Marionberry-62 in Police: 60-year-old woman shot on MBTA bus in South Boston by LukeWarmCheesecake
It was very safe until very recently.
BostonFoliage t1_j2e6xzt wrote
Reply to comment by dpm25 in New Orange Line subway cars pulled from service over safety concerns by Omphaloskeptique
Why are we buying infrastructure from Chinese government anyways? For the amount of money and trouble it created, we could have built them in house.
BostonFoliage t1_j0ik9g9 wrote
Reply to comment by RiverDragon64 in Maine Will Have a New Minimum Wage Beginning on January 1st by Shake-Spear4666
Enjoy paying 20% more for everything. The rich don't care about the cost of living.
BostonFoliage t1_izm47is wrote
Why not move to California? Sounds like a painful place to be homeless.
BostonFoliage t1_jeflw3t wrote
Reply to comment by brightlocks in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
Lobster attacks.