
BothCourage9285 t1_j4vpfen wrote

Hate to point out the obvious, but VT is not CT. Our deer density is completely different along with our residential development.

Technically, the tick population is tied to drought and the nut crop. Bumper crop for nuts equals a high survival rate of all mammals, but the mice and small ground mammals are where the tick larvae feed. Only ticks surviving to adulthood feed on deer and larger mammals.

They're considering vaccinating mice against lyme to reduce the spread-


BothCourage9285 t1_j4qhzfh wrote

Used to have an antenna and pointed it at Mansfield. Worked pretty good. Took it down to paint but never put it back.

There was a fire on Mansfield that impacted the signal strength a few years ago, but not sure if it's been fixed


BothCourage9285 t1_j4mec3v wrote

It absolutely can be done. I know of several people that do and will be there myself one day.

Using you funds in the smartest way possible means learning to conserve. It's the low hanging fruit. Plug strips/kill switches on everything, Kill-A-Watt meter to see what's the biggest draw, off grid (instead of "high efficiency") appliances, clothesline instead of dryer, etc.


BothCourage9285 t1_j2dqe4s wrote

Sorry, but this is false. They soft open at 945 Sunday thru Friday, 915 on Saturdays, no one special gets in the door early without advanced permission from the GM. It's a safety issue

Business card holders used to get in an hour early about 25 years ago

Gas station opens at 6am Monday thru Saturday and 7am on Sunday


BothCourage9285 t1_j207xtr wrote

For a very long time, an expired inspection sticker was not a "primary" offense, meaning police couldn't pull you over for it. There had to be another reason for a stop. Somewhere in the 2010s, they made it a primary offense and it was used to initiate stops which obviously could be abused by law enforcement.

I suspect after the increased scrutiny of law enforcement in 2020, police departments pulled back from using the sticker as a means to initiate a stop, but I don't believe the primary offense ever went away.

Once the scrutiny subsides, they will start cracking down on stickers again. Only hope is to contact your representatives about it.

Let them know this should not a primary offense and no penalty to your license.


BothCourage9285 t1_izet6oq wrote

It's been a dying town for some time now. The prison may have actually helped some.

My grandmother used to live there back in the 80s and we would visit regularly when I was a kid and it was pretty rough back then. All the houses on her street were abandoned and about half burned out and boarded up. It got worse in the 90s, but think it's actually on an uptrend now. Drove thru last year and it was way cleaner and busier than I remember.

Maybe rent and see before buying. Real estate is on the way down in the northern New England so you'll probably find better deals next year.


BothCourage9285 t1_isoqgaj wrote

My hypothesis is any "ethnic" restaurant will have to appeal to the taste buds of locals to be successful. So you sometimes get places that start out very authentic, but become less so over time.

The use of local ingredients, while the right choice IMHO, also changes the outcome. Soil, animal feed and climate isn't the same so there will be a difference in flavor.