
BoujeeMomme t1_j142tzf wrote

They figured the people shopping at the mall may want to kill two birds with one stone where they'll also go grocery shopping before going home?!?!?

I know if I need to go to hmart I'm only going to hmart and not deal with parking like you said at a mall no lessπŸ™„?!?!?

The traffic on a Saturday afternoon is bad enough during the holidays so it'd not as easy to go to the Hmart in Paramus but usually it's easy peasy.


BoujeeMomme t1_j0c12w2 wrote

Whenever I see these mini busses I stay clear of them as best as possible. I'd speed up to pass them and would never drive besides one of behind one ummmm no fucking way !!!!!

I've seen them stop on a dime and suddenly veer to the right when they realize they're about to pass the busstop where 4 people of waving at him to pull over πŸ™„????


BoujeeMomme t1_j0bodu0 wrote

Those little private mini buses that goes up and down Rt 4 from the GWB to God knows where are simply the worse !?!?!

I seriously think they got these drivers and didntneven bother checking if they even had a driver's license ?? They're always pulling out of the stop without looking or going 20mph in the middle lane of rt 4 wtf πŸ™„