
BowTiedAgorist t1_it7vff9 wrote

You can absolutely go around them when congress and the courts don't bother to enforce it.

I understand the fundamentals of your argument and the checks and balances between branches - but congresses whole mo for the last thirty years is being derelict in their duties.

We just fought a 20 year long war in Afghanistan without a declaration of war.


BowTiedAgorist t1_it7swv8 wrote

Yeah, feds actually just raided a big ass private vault company that alot of the local cannabis companies used in California and seized millions.

The reason you legalize it is to gain tax revenue from the sale - how you manage profits is entirely a vendor problem. I suspect a lot of them are using secure vaults, giant safes, and crypto.


BowTiedAgorist t1_it7pf6n wrote

One can hope, but I don't have faith in our kleptocracy to create a new multi-billion dollar industry without trying to turn it into another regulatory-captured market (like healthcare, education, agriculture, etc)

Even the MORE act which everyone is swalling Rashid Talibs shit over is literally just designed to capture the market behind federal licensed growers\distributors which will be the gateway for pharma\big ag takeover.


BowTiedAgorist t1_it7okur wrote

- Wars

Barack Obama literally started funding a genocide in Yemen. Bidens withdraw from Afghanistan was a humanitarian disaster. Clintons state department basically turned Libya into a failed state and Syria into a warzone. We have been funding bothsides of the GWOT for twenty years and continued under Biden. The entire middle east conflict goes back to US foreign policy dicking around for oil.

Energy independence has always been and will always be our best way to reduce warmongering...

- Surplus

Has more to do with Dole\Gingritch and the deal with America that married spending cuts with Clintons tax increases. Also the idea of a budgetary surplus when the nation was four trillion dollars in debt is hilarious. Imagine I had 40k dollars in credit card debt, but say I have a surplus because of the 20 in my pocket.

- Supporting Wanna Be Dictators

I'm not sure if you mean 1/6 or supporting the color revolution we threw in ukraine in 2014 to support neo-nazis in their government now?

- Tax breaks


BowTiedAgorist t1_it7mhyc wrote

Infrastructure bill that is literally just a giant payday for some of the biggest corporations in the US? Offering 40k dollar rebates to companies like walmart to buy electric shipping vehicles from automakers like ford\gm who's manufacturing isn't even in the US anymore? Or offering billions to telecoms to run copper\fiber to rural areas when we already paid them to do that in the 90s and better technology already exists? Or the billions that will end up in the hands of Chinese solar\EV manufacturers using child labor in africa to make giant holes in the earth looking for cobalt?

A debt cancellation that's going to end up slapping borrowers with giant tax bills in most states and already disqualified 700k applicants?

Student loan bill that offers means tested relief and doesn't' bother to fix the actual problem within the fed-loans? Which falls well short of the average accumulated debt these borrowers struggle with.

The student loan bill which benefits upper middle class whites more than it does any minority borrower, who have historically been forced into less fruitful degrees by racist university admins, and have had to rely on private loans which aren't even touched?

A student loan bill that puts the greed of the entire academic class on the backs of the 70% of the US workforce that don't hold degrees - I'm sure that will go over real well with the blue collar dem base.... I guess you can always just call them racist for another 10 years.

All of which is another few trillion dollars printed to add to our ever increasing inflation?

Enjoy your scraps after getting honey dicked, again.


BowTiedAgorist t1_it5gwdr wrote

So long as its legalized as bumper crop specifically for farming in the US and pharma\tobacco\bigcorpo interests are specifically kept out of the fucking industry I'm all for it.

Otherwise just decriminalize use, possession and distribution. I don't want phillip morris brand marijuana grown as toxically as possible being the only pot option in 10 years

Also Obligatory:


BowTiedAgorist t1_it5fzfv wrote

Reply to ENOUGH!!!!! by lizzybnh

Between political ads and constant hiv\anti-depressant drug peddling I dropped hulu.

I use uBlockOrigin so I haven't seen an ad on Youtube in... like ever. I just make it a point to patreon my favorite content creators where I can.

The mountain of political mailers, flyers, on my door are likely going to end up shredded and dumped in the floor at my local post office with all the other pre-sorted garbage this year.

The door knockers I get living in metro-boston makes me wish the "No Solicitation" sign on my porch was enforceable by baseball bat.

Its a whole ass industry and the over consumption of politics is making us worse as a society.