
Boxziti t1_jbxrbj8 wrote

Thank your democratic globalist Cabal... restaurants will not be coming back. 70% of the food business is take out. Except for metropolitan areas that conduct business and spend on T&E, largely business expense account holders, which Wista is not among. You can forget about it. It is a crying shame, and if you run into that big pharma shill Governor Baker who destroyed small business in Massachusetts and restaurants more than any other, ask him if he can get you some good court seats to the "Final Four"


Boxziti t1_ja0s8h4 wrote

No commercial business is going to be investing in Massachusetts or Worcester! The state has destroyed small business. Nobody is going to pay the taxes here. We now have a state of the elite business class in Boston and it's not growing or going anywhere else. In fact you will have all you can do just to keep what you have left.


Boxziti t1_j7m5ojg wrote

ya most likely all city employees... And no not allergic to a good time. I went to school in Main South and that was in 79- 81 and while the redesign of the common area is refreshing I do not see any big difference or any real signs of metropolis. I hope it is packed as you say but some how I don't think that is so.


Boxziti t1_j743ear wrote

Move to surrounding town there is a reason why the majority of police,fire, teachers and city officials do not live in Wista. The Worcester restaurant scene is not what it was. Burtons in Shrewsbury, Romaines in Northboro, Tavern on the Square Shrewsbury.