BracedRhombus t1_j29ig9a wrote
Reply to Maine residents - what do you find positive and negative about your state's low population density? by LockedOutOfElfland
There was a traffic jam on my side road this morning. A flock of turkeys was crossing the road. A hundred yards past them five deer ran across the road.
BracedRhombus t1_j2980da wrote
Reply to comment by Existing_Bat1939 in Maine residents - what do you find positive and negative about your state's low population density? by LockedOutOfElfland
So true!
BracedRhombus t1_j296d5h wrote
Reply to Maine residents - what do you find positive and negative about your state's low population density? by LockedOutOfElfland
I like not having nearby neighbors. Night skies are clear, low light pollution. Great for star gazing!
On the downside, resources are scattered and thin, I have to drive over an hour to see a specialist doctor.
BracedRhombus t1_j246q4o wrote
I've noticed this in previous years, too. From November through March we get beautiful sunrises at my home.
BracedRhombus t1_j23m9c1 wrote
I live in a small town, population about 1100. We're all either poor or lower middle class. Everyone gets along as best they can.
BracedRhombus t1_j0tw8sk wrote
Reply to comment by New_Sun6390 in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
That's what we did. The generator is large enough to run the house with no issues, and is electric start. We're at the end of a long run into town, on a back road with only our home on it. We accept that we'll be a low priority, and plan accordingly.
BracedRhombus t1_j0pjrxz wrote
Reply to Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
Buried cables would be ridiculously expensive for the entire network. Bury them where trees can't be cut back. More money needs to be put into cutting back trees near power lines.
BracedRhombus t1_iyfwmbc wrote
Reply to Will it ever stop raining and storming? by [deleted]
It's my fault - back in July, when my garden was drying up, I flipped a nickel into the air and yelled, "Give me a nickel's worth of rain!" If I had knew how cheap it was, I wouldn't have bought so much!
BracedRhombus t1_iyftrhp wrote
Reply to Will it ever stop raining and storming? by [deleted]
We had a drought back in the summer, but we made up that water loss by October.
I'm just glad it's not snow.
BracedRhombus t1_iyezzx1 wrote
Reply to comment by mainemademess in Any idea of what kind of tracks these are? Thinking rabbit by mainemademess
I hope it's not a samsquanch, I hate those f*cking bastards.
BracedRhombus t1_iy4mzu9 wrote
I was on the turnpike yesterday and got to enjoy the signs. "Gobble, gobble, easy on the throttle!" "Keep your stuffing on the inside, Buckle up!"
BracedRhombus t1_ixzdkxj wrote
You can start tomatoes and peppers inside, in a south facing window. Set them out during the day after the weather warms up, to harden them off. Bring them in if the weather gets bad.
See if you can buy rotted (not fresh) cow manure from a farm.
Test your soil to find out what it needs to improve it. The local County Extension can help.
BracedRhombus t1_ixynvl8 wrote
Reply to What’s the deal with all the moths? by CaptainLoco25
I live in central Maine, far from the coast, and saw a moth flitting about yesterday, I wonder if it's one of the moths described above? I'll try to catch one of them next time I see it.
BracedRhombus t1_ixynhhp wrote
Reply to What’s the deal with all the moths? by CaptainLoco25
An amusing quote from the article: 'Because the female is wingless, many think she is wingless". What kind of logic is that?
BracedRhombus t1_iwgsdrq wrote
Reply to Rumford last night by LittleZedZed
I use to work there. You've captured the soul (or lack of a soul) of the place perfectly!
BracedRhombus t1_iw28m9v wrote
Reply to Madison this morning by Mooshtonk
BracedRhombus t1_iuyh20n wrote
Reply to What is the origin of the phrase by fungiyenta
What part of Maine is he from? I've lived here my whole life and never heard it.
BracedRhombus t1_iuvyevv wrote
Reply to Signs your mailing list might be out of date - when you, the previous owner of your house, and the previous owner before THEM all get the same mailer from the Maine Republican Party by figment1979
They could t least print their flyers on regular paper, so I could use them for kindling starter.
BracedRhombus t1_iubbi4q wrote
Reply to When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Too soon, whenever it snows.
BracedRhombus t1_iu50w7s wrote
Reply to comment by GuanoLoopy in Six Degrees of Separation, Maine Edition by SheSellsSeaShells967
Well done!
BracedRhombus t1_iu4a5je wrote
Reply to comment by r_hove in Spotted in Wales. Please vote Nov. 8th because this guy will, too. 😑 by Chamelion117
The best candidate IS blue.
BracedRhombus t1_it6qywu wrote
Reply to comment by guethlema in Maine/Quebec border? by 207Simone
Can confirm.
BracedRhombus t1_j3htx46 wrote
Reply to comment by bump909 in The world record for tallest snow person is held by a resident of Bethel Maine by Mofunz
We're not here to judge.