Brianprokpo456 t1_ja1dfvz wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Acanthisitta-6997 in It's impossible to have more descendants than your ancestors. by Ok-Acanthisitta-6997
Not if I use my time machine
Brianprokpo456 t1_j86ay6r wrote
Reply to [OC] What song did the Sailor Moon dub in each country use for its opening theme? by konaya
Is just it me or am I seeing a velociraptor chasing a ball??
Brianprokpo456 t1_j6iyjre wrote
Reply to comment by ShadesOfPoods in Working out causes your body to create more muscles which in turn increases metabolism, which increases the aging process in a person by ShadesOfPoods
Mantainance is already covered efficiently by the different systems/apharatus and the respective cells's inner working. It's practically a system with such a low failure probability, that (talking in vague words) isn't primarily responsible for aging process.
Surely the acceleration of certain reactions that tend to cell division, increases the probability of mutations which induce "errors". Yet almost every cell in your body also has a plenty (like 8) mechanisms at DNA level, to prevent such things to happen. And quite a few more at RNA and Protein levels. (E.g: checking if protein is folded properly, then folding it as it should or simply degrading it).
Do they happen from time to time? Yes. But remember we also have the inmmune system, which more specifically the natural immunity one, and more specifically the monocyte-macrophage system, involved in recognizing rare local cells with uncommon markers and fagocitating ("eating them") if recognized.
So, in the end we have a whole lot of barriers that prevent such things to happen. So, phisiologically (aka normal) metabolism isn't much of the problem here.
If you assume cathastropic theory, aging is caused by the accumulation of these errors. But the cause can vary a lot. Most of the time is because of the ambient, this is (people will kill me for saying this), the human could be considered a as a "pseudoinmortal" (yes, as crazy as it sounds) system if it is in the perfect ambient. This means: if the ambient has NO nocive elements, then the human can live as long as it's biology lets him to. Which, to this day, nobody knows, but surely is far more than 80 years average.
Nowadays, we live in an agressive enviroment with multiple factors which accelerate the aging process. One of them is the exposure to certain compounds, which interfere with the normal chemical reactions that occur in our cells (from the ones about cell division, to even other programs). This makes those "errors" accumulate, until it's impossible for the system to sustain itself.
Other factors are exposure to radiation (remember the ozone layer?, what about the contamination resulting from radiactive weaponry?), excessive stress (if the acute stress syndrome is too frequent, a human can enter in a permanent-stress state, which gives place to certain illnesses which compromise the effectivity of certain sistems, thus making aging go faster), genetic diseases (not much to explain here), etc...
So yeah, you are right in that sense. But our metabolism itself, is responsible for such little factors of aging, that basically it can be considered as not correlative to aging.
As you've seen, there are a lot of other factors which are involved more heavily in aging. And more responsible for it.
To clarify, I am not a native english speaker, so sorry if the medical terms are not accurate, but I hope the message is clear enough.
Edit: oh, i forgot about other living systems, for example bacteria, remember antibiotic resistance? That is also correlative to those errors, as parasytic systems also (vaguely speaking) leave a local mess, after they've been erradicated (which can take longer if it resists to a certain point the antibiotic), unless we already have antibodies for them.
Brianprokpo456 t1_j6isntb wrote
Reply to Working out causes your body to create more muscles which in turn increases metabolism, which increases the aging process in a person by ShadesOfPoods
No no no. That's not how aging works. OP, please read a basic human physiology book before making such claims.
Aging depends on a lot of factors, yet creating more muscles won't make you age faster. Actually, doing excercise expands your life expectancy.
There is no scientifical correlation between making excercise and dying sooner, unless you take anabolics.
From all the theories that involve aging, the most popular is the cathastropic theory of aging which involves the fact that aging is a product of the accumulation of several errors in a cell and therefore the entire system/apharatus/individual.
While increasing the rate at which certain reactions take place (principally those which are related to DNA replication and cell proliferation), tends to give place to those errors, there exists in the human system a certain limit at which a cell can decide to.
Our cells don't just infinitely divide and increase the number of cells vulnerable to this failure when there is a nutritional superávit, but when there's too many nutrients, they get either redirected to the blood or stored inside.
And as with excercise, that simply is wrong. There is no correlation between one and another, where shows to be proportional. Actually, they are inversely proportional.
OP, the concept you have of "metabolism" is too vague and obscure. You should try learning more about the subject before making a medical claim.
Brianprokpo456 t1_j6g3le9 wrote
And that's what people fail at. They assume the fallacy that "meaning in life" is found by searching.
Meaning in life is purpose, and purpose is assigned by the conditions and context. They waste all their lives thinking they are going to find something, but nothing new they will find, as all the pieces have already been stated before.
In the search for a meaning, most people end up doing anything but becoming closer to it. As they evade their purpose by seeking another one, in the fallacy of thinking they have none.
In most cases, It's not that hard, looking at your surroundings and deducing your task. Harder surely it is to look for another different purpose when it'll probably not exist.
Brianprokpo456 t1_j6czg4l wrote
Reply to comment by pesiarn in All languages travel at the speed of sound except sign language, which travels at the speed of light. by ChernyAnton
Brianprokpo456 t1_j4h5kpv wrote
Reply to Peep Hole (OC) by LeeroyM
Oh yeah, my OF escort has finally arrived
Brianprokpo456 t1_j26q7eo wrote
Reply to comment by kinpuc in A club is a networking event for sex by Existing-Ad6404
Surely I didn't then
Brianprokpo456 t1_j26pt9e wrote
Reply to comment by Tap-in-Bogey in A club is a networking event for sex by Existing-Ad6404
Bruh that's just the same but with lower crowding and music volume.
Statistically, the best place to find such people is where daily interactions are made (work, university, school, groups, etc). So that you ensure enough compatibility, as they share the same ambient and knowledge as you, then you are more qualifiable of making a good life team with them if also love is ensured.
Brianprokpo456 OP t1_j24c19j wrote
Reply to comment by BaconReceptacle in ELI5: What is a network port? by Brianprokpo456
Thank you, that makes it even more clear.
Brianprokpo456 OP t1_j1ywal0 wrote
Reply to comment by KrakenOfLakeZurich in ELI5: What is a network port? by Brianprokpo456
Thanks. This was the answer I understood the most. And honestly I didn't expect such a quick response. So thank you!
So in the end it is just a way to transmit information from one point to another by the same cable but without getting things awfully mixed.
Brianprokpo456 OP t1_j1yura6 wrote
Reply to comment by FriedMule in ELI5: What is a network port? by Brianprokpo456
Ok thanks, but are they discrete or there can exist as many ports as can be defined in the computer?
Brianprokpo456 t1_j0sb6qu wrote
Reply to 18/12/2022 by Wezzro
"Boy, this isn't flour"
Brianprokpo456 t1_j0saz0b wrote
Reply to 18/12/2022 by Wezzro
Kratos shouldn't have smoked the last pack
Brianprokpo456 t1_ja5ypdv wrote
Reply to ✨pasta sauce✨ by tea_brew
Overcomplicated way for extra sauce