
Brickleberried t1_iy00eqq wrote

Bikers risk their own lives when they don't follow the rules of the road.

Edit: I'm getting downvoted for this, but this is objectively correct. Bikers are so fucking mad that they're getting injured or killed, but also get mad when they're told to follow rules of the road that will help keep them safer. The people who do this are just whiny jackasses.


Brickleberried t1_ixzmqhv wrote

To be fair, bikers and pedestrians are also crazy. Sure, when they're crazy, they don't endanger other people as much as a crazy driver, but they endanger themselves. I can't count how many times I've seen a biker go through a red light or a pedestrian trying to walk through 4 lanes of ongoing traffic in the middle of a block.


Bikers: "Too many of us are hurt or killed by bikers."

Me: "That is true, but bikers also commit dangerous acts that endanger themselves."

Bikers: "Fuck you. That doesn't matter."

I mean, if you want to protect bikers, you should accept all ways to protect bikers, not just ones that inconvenience other people.


Brickleberried t1_ixrs7d9 wrote

Yeah, it's annoying that you're always expected to drive everyone. I usually offer to drive dates home from my place or pick them up if I'm driving. If friends are over, I don't offer to drive them back home.


Brickleberried t1_iu0d8ob wrote

Reminder to wear your helmet on scooters. Almost everybody wears helmets on bikes, but I rarely ever see scooter riders with helmets.

I think riding a scooter around would be so fun, but the helmet thing is what holds me back. I don't own one (and wouldn't carry one around if I did), so I don't want to ride scooters, especially on streets.


Brickleberried t1_its51h1 wrote

It's common for DC to illegally tow properly parked cars and also for them to tow you without recording it at all (thus not being able to tell you where they moved it to you) or telling you the wrong place.

See my past complaints here.

I have since put an AirTag in my car in case they do this again. Worst case scenario, wherever they move it, they often tow you to illegal parking spots, so then they ticket you again, and the new ticket will tell you where the car is.

Dispute the tickets. I have disputed 7 of my 9 tickets and have won all of the disputes, even if the adjudicator gets super snotty about it.


Brickleberried t1_itjm03k wrote

> 1.) The Supreme Court has never done that nor has it done anything like that - that's why our society keeps accepting its decisions.

Except they did when they said "all crimes" doesn't mean "all crimes" and ignored "well-regulated militia".

> 2.) What's fucking stupid is that in like 50 comments the only "solution" you've been able to propose to your imagined problem is that all of society accept your interpretation of the Constitution, as if you should be our un-elected dictator. Sorry, the rest of us just don't have any respect for you, let alone want you to be the one who gets to decide for the rest of us what the Constitution means. We'll let the Supreme Court keep doing that, thank you very much.

What's stupid is that you think the Supreme Court can use whatever definition they fucking want without regard to what the words actually mean, and that you think I'm the crazy one for thinking that that's crazy.

Your interpretation is fucking nuts. Just admit it.