I think suffering is sometimes necessary. Too much is bad, too little is bad. There's some optimal amount of suffering that we all need to function properly. That said, we bring unnecessary suffering to ourselves; when we spend too much time in our minds, pondering the depths of things that ultimately don't matter, and listening to people who don't know what they're talking about, philosophers or not.
Briskprogress t1_ir41p3d wrote
Reply to How to Live In A World That Makes No F*cking Sense: Nietzsche and the Search for Superhuman Laughter by simsquatched
I think suffering is sometimes necessary. Too much is bad, too little is bad. There's some optimal amount of suffering that we all need to function properly. That said, we bring unnecessary suffering to ourselves; when we spend too much time in our minds, pondering the depths of things that ultimately don't matter, and listening to people who don't know what they're talking about, philosophers or not.
See The End of Wisdom.