BromioKalen t1_je990p6 wrote
Reply to comment by Baegarr in Best spots for photos (beside skyline) by Baegarr
It's beyond Hamilton park. Just north of there. If you walk under the approach to the Holland Tunnel.
BromioKalen t1_je6npgx wrote
Reply to Best spots for photos (beside skyline) by Baegarr
Go down Coles until you are past where the overpass is and there are a lot of murals in that area. Great if you are looking for an urban slightly gritty feel.
BromioKalen t1_jcpupc6 wrote
Reply to comment by Marybelle18 in Plant Life by Shicca
That's for the tip. Going to check them out today.
BromioKalen t1_jc3qwx8 wrote
I have been to Cellar a few times once recently. Never disappoints.
BromioKalen t1_jboe0t6 wrote
Reply to comment by ThanosBigPurpleCok in I was busy binge watching some Simpsons clips on Youtube, when I noticed a familiar skyline in the background. by LootFroop
Trying to make out what it says on the chopper.
BromioKalen t1_j9p9umu wrote
Reply to Blue hatchback Subaru ran stop sign and almost ran me over at Erie and 7th. Anyone living here have a camera facing the intersection? by candyghost
Unfortunately our proximity to the Holland Tunnel creates a lot of these issues. We have a lot of drivers who are in a hurry using Jersey City surface streets to rush towards the tunnel. They don't live here and have no regard for the community.
When you add the lack of enforcement of basic traffic laws like running stop signs and red lights, it's a perfect storm for chaos on our streets.
BromioKalen t1_j9gnr5z wrote
Reply to Just got our lease renewal numbers. For a 12 month lease renewal, our rent will increase over 10%. I don't see how this is sustainable long term. by chazthetic
I just received a 15% increase in Hilltop. It was 6% last year. I keep sucking it up because I don't want to move, but eventually it just won't be worth it anymore.
BromioKalen t1_j85a9xb wrote
First of all welcome to JC. After 13 years of living here I have learned to walk defensively. Always expect someone is going to make a right turn into you while you are in the crosswalk, or just run a red light, or make a left to try to beat traffic without them noticing you. Don't walk with headphones on and always be scanning around you. It's just life here unfortunately. There is no traffic enforcement by the police and everyone that drives around here knows that and they do whatever the fuck they want. Even our city council people run over people here and get a slap on the wrist and stay in office.
BromioKalen t1_j7g1jty wrote
So many lease takeover requests here lately.
BromioKalen t1_j78c7kh wrote
Reply to A riddle by LarsVanHeusen
Because they are assholes, thats why.
BromioKalen t1_j6yrdqe wrote
Reply to comment by SpiceyPorkFriedRice in New tree plantings in NYC fall to lowest level in 15 years by King-of-New-York
Spring is coming. Cheer up.
BromioKalen t1_j6yqv0w wrote
Not surprising. I am an account executive in New Jersey. Not saying what industry, but I will not bother quoting the city, or the schools, or anything NYC government related because of the red tape and how difficult they make it to secure a contract. I no bid. I have enough work at this time. Not surprising the people who do bid these projects mark them up incredibly to cover all the extra bullshit it takes to do business with the city.
BromioKalen t1_j659w6x wrote
I did not realize you could open the windows of that building enough to jump out. That's a busy pedestrian block. Glad no one else got hurt or killed.
BromioKalen t1_j5b5xy0 wrote
Reply to New neighbors cook Indian food every night. Whole hallway smells like an Indian restaurant all the time. What can we dooooooo by [deleted]
I lived in Metropolis Towers for a long time. My EX lived in the Lincoln in HP. Both places had lots of Indian cooking going on. Its just something that you need to get used to if you live in a big building. PS... they might think your cooking smells weird too!
BromioKalen t1_j3dl700 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in Several tables and chairs thrown over at the Exchange Place by nbredding
I think they are dead dude. Maybe they made a pact and just jumped. So sad.
BromioKalen t1_j3buiyg wrote
Reply to comment by _switch360_ in Young gay couple relocating to the area (JC, Manhattan or Brooklyn?) by manuelalej305
Sometimes people connect with and befriend others who they share common experiences with. Growing up gay can be very difficult and many gay people like to socialize and build a network with their fellow gay brothers and sisters. Chosen family. To the OP, there are lots of family here in Jersey City. You should not have any problem.
BromioKalen t1_j2uxwmp wrote
Reply to comment by i-am-a-name in Apartment move-in costs by i-am-a-name
Also, keep in mind that depending on what is going on with the rental market the broker fee can be negotiated. Not exactly with the broker, but with the landlord who hired the broker to list the property. If rentals start to be in less demand this year, possible to split the fee with the landlord or have them pay it fully if you are highly qualified. Right now, most tenants are paying the brokerage fee, but that changes due to market conditions.
BromioKalen t1_j2uwp4d wrote
Reply to Apartment move-in costs by i-am-a-name
The max security deposit allowed by the state of NJ is 1.5 months so could be less. From my experience one month is more common. Also, you don't always need a broker, but if you are moving from out of state, I would recommend it to handle things for you.
BromioKalen t1_j2mtlsh wrote
Reply to Dozens of cars heading towards Liberty State Park on Jersey Ave. What's happening? by eteich1100
Small penis parade.
BromioKalen t1_j0vu5es wrote
Reply to Proliferation of license plate obscuring, and now anti-flash coatings by Blecher_onthe_Hudson
So you can afford the Tesla, but too cheap to pay tolls...
BromioKalen t1_ixt12mm wrote
Reply to Package Thief POS in Hamilton Park. by Whole-Campaign89
Am I the only one who hit the play button? Hit it twice before realizing it was a pic!
BromioKalen t1_ix0tz7s wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in What's going on with no parking near Hamilton Park lately? by The_Nomadic_Nerd
Are you OK?
BromioKalen t1_ivbpn9g wrote
BromioKalen t1_ivbp7uc wrote
Reply to Crazy traffic downtown by joeynnj
I just walked from the Home Depot into Hamilton Park. Everything is gridlocked.
BromioKalen t1_jee4h30 wrote
Reply to Where downtown can I buy a hard copy of the NYT? by sesamebagelwshmear
Cherish todays headline!