
BromioKalen t1_iv483lp wrote

I might be talking out of my ass, but BBQ right off the PATH and that space... we can do better like a grocery store, or something better that fits the needs of our community. I have no idea what the zoning rules are for that space, but disappointing to see something go in there that I already know will fail in a year or two. That space is doomed by people who cannot manage it and market it well. If I had the money and backing, I would take out that entire corner and put in a big market. Huge supermarket there would be good. We only have sprove, key foods, shop rite, and nothing else in the area. Just my crazy idea, but would be better than a BBQ joint


BromioKalen t1_iuo83cg wrote

I hated the first year I moved here. I also moved from the west coast and figured I made a massive mistake, but I did end up making a lot of friends and keep in mind that if you signed a year lease, consider it an exploratory period until you decide what parts of town you like or if you'd rather be in the city. Don't consider it as a mistake or something you need to get out of. A year goes by pretty quick. I have been here 13 years now, and yes the first year was rough, but well worth it.