BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j5w4ezf wrote
Reply to The new "district approved" stickers that Hanover teachers have to use because rainbows aren't allowed by Awrnawr
That’s catastrophically lame.
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j5p28ng wrote
Reply to Keep an eye on the Eastern sky tonight starting at 6pm: Rocket Lab Electron Launch from Wallops Island on Eastern Shore. by roonerspize
I love telling my friends that we have a spaceport right here in Virginia. Cool!
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j5gbs1w wrote
Reply to RIP Postbellum by Littleprisonprism
I guess we’re in the post-postbellum era now.
BureauOfBureaucrats OP t1_j594was wrote
Reply to comment by adognamedgoat in Fri-Nightly by BureauOfBureaucrats
Just went to Papis and enjoyed very generously poured drinks, in the process of making our way home.
Submitted by BureauOfBureaucrats t3_10heikb in rva
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j57gd7k wrote
Reply to NEVERNest/Dodson Update by liza_spinelli
Renting in this city is a shitshow of scams and slumlords.
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j51undx wrote
> and said that the summer security wasn’t paid out by tenants
What does that mean? Did this leasing agent really expect tenants to personally pay for security?
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j4wecje wrote
> I guess my lack of nonemergency access to the medical system is made up for by my newfound empathy for people who get into crystal healing, essential oils, COVID quackery, and all sorts of other nonsense. At this point I'm about to get into homemade remedies myself--I'm sure Doctor Internet can give me a few ideas...
I relate to this too tragically well.
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j4v81rv wrote
Reply to comment by Hans_Fallada in Living in the City of Richmond by CrossFitPotter
I’ve lived in 7 different states and Richmond is significantly worse than my other cities in every metric I listed.
I deliberately left out how awful renting is here because OP won’t be renting. Both tenant-landlord laws and workplace protection laws here in Virginia are vastly inferior to every other state I’ve lived in.
After 6 years, I’m ready to exit honestly. I won’t compare RVA to NYC because that’s ridiculous. RVA is inferior to most cities in the 500,000 population or less category. As wonderful as museums, breweries, and parks are, I need quality basics.
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j4v08to wrote
Reply to Living in the City of Richmond by CrossFitPotter
Incompetent local government. They messed up my taxes every year. Basic utilities like garbage or gas service are absolute trash.
Horrible infrastructure.
Horrible public transport.
Schools are frequently a problem.
Excessive gun crime.
I love RVA for its museums, breweries, and parks. The “fun stuff” here is pretty good, but there’s an awful catch: basic daily life functioning is a pain in the ass in this city. VCU is just about the only thing that’s truly thriving in the city.
BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j5zzfm3 wrote
Reply to Active Construction Sites? by AidCookKnow
You could probably do a driving loop around Manchester and see several apartment towers in progress.