
ButtBlock t1_jdy8g9m wrote

Hersheys is really disgusting. I don’t know what to say. It’s like how some people say that cilantro leaves taste like soap, or how Dominoes smells like actual vomit (butyric acid). Seriously you can get cheap as shit German chocolate at ALDIs and it’s smooth and sweet and delicious.

I remember when Cadbury’s entered into a licensing agreement with Hersheys. And suddenly their chocolate in the US sucked. The stuff abroad still tastes good but not here.

I suspect that Hersheys just skimps on quality. They’ve got the name for sure, but the product is coasting along on the brand.


ButtBlock t1_jbet0xe wrote

It blows my mind that the state doesn’t just collect taxes on behalf of counties and local municipalities. Like when we lived in NYC it was 4 lines on the state tax return. These local collection companies take all sorts of fees and so forth, like our borough collects a 10 USD / year residency fee. But there’s a 3 USD convenience fee if you file online. Somebody’s getting kick backs I’m sure.


ButtBlock t1_j9uzpad wrote

I’m sorry to assume otherwise. Looking back on my previous comment I kind of sound like an asshole. I’m sorry. I’ve just seen sooo many posts talking about the “fallout” from East Palestine. All I was concerned about is that you, like many others, were worried about the disaster in Ohio. But it sounds like that’s not your concern so I was making the wrong assumptions.

Like I said there are lots of pollution sources and the health risks are real. I’ve seen New York Harbor foam, and smelled sulfides in the air in New Jersey. It’s bad, but fortunately more rare these days. Can always use more accountability with industry. Hope you’re able to figure something out about the source. Again my apologizes!


ButtBlock t1_j9t3g0z wrote

My dude if you think this is from the East Palestine environmental disaster you are being paranoid. There’s pollution everywhere. I’m not saying that it’s not harmful, on the contrary. But this screams chemophobia because it was “vinyl chloride” and the mechanism of release (derailment) was unusual. What happened there is an absolute tragedy, but every since it happened I keep seeing posts from PA to the tippy top of New England, saying stuff like help I smell chemicals I’m being poisoned. I mean, I’m glad you’re thinking about it now but did you somehow no smell the “chemical” odors everywhere before? Have you never smelled New York Harbor. For example, I live somewhat near a coal fired power plant. There are higher levels of mercury in the top soil where I live. You can’t even smell that stuff, but there it is. If you put top soil in a mass spec, there it is.

If you want something to worry about. Every time you pump your gas, that sweet smell is literally benzene which is a confirmed potent carcinogen. Gas is usually 1% benzene. If you can smell it it means that it’s getting into your lungs and therefore into your blood. Or the smell of diesel soot or woodsmoke. Those are polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Also confirmed carcinogenic. Or that smell of incompletely combusted gas exhaust. Benzene PAH and nitrogen oxides. You guessed it, all very carcinogenic!

The East Palestine stuff derailment is a tragedy but it really looks like this is a local environmental disaster. Like love canal. We should all be aware and outraged, but that’s different than being worried about being poisoned from hundreds of Km away, when there are literally hundreds of sources or types of pollution that you should be more worried about cars most of all.

Just my opinion bro take it or leave it.


ButtBlock t1_j7vco7y wrote

OP don’t do it. I know insurance sucks in the US, but the point of low premium insurance is to cover you for catastrophic expenses. In the US any of us could get into a car accident or have some unexpected illness, and bam just like that million dollar ICU stay. I’ve already been in two (thankfully minor car accidents), but literally, you could be completely healthy and still go bankrupt from a hospital stay. If you have no assets and your fine with that risk, sure, but it’s not worth it.

If it makes you feel better I live in PA these days, we pay 14k premium for a plan with a 12k deductible and 22k out of pocket maximum. I hate the healthcare system in this country. Literally think about leaving every year. Canada express entry my man. With what we all pay in the US, we could just increase federal taxes 5-10%, and then put all of the health insurance companies on a big rocket and fire it off into the sun so they can turn into hot ionized plasma. It should be a matter of national policy to have these companies bankrupt by the end of the 2020s.


ButtBlock t1_j6p5krv wrote

Actuall school tax is different than LEIT. Also different from local services tax, PA unemployment tax, residency tax. PA has a huge problem making this more complicated than it needs to be. In NYC (the king of high taxes I might add) there was a spot on the state tax return where you computed local taxes and added them to the total. Done. 4 lines. No fuss.

The taxes aren’t even that much here. But think about how inefficient this is. What percentage of revenue that Keystone and Berkheimer collect actually goes to where it’s supposed to, after administrative fees.

Shit my town sent me a poll tax. Everyone who lives here (not just homeowners but renters too) have to pay 10 dollars a year just for living here. But you can only pay online and there’s a 3 dollar convenience fee. Thank you Berkheimer. Can you imagine if NYC was like hey you owe 2% income tax, but btw there’s a 30% “convenience fee.” PA really needs to clean this shit up. They’d save a lot of money in the process, too.

Edit: 3 dollar fee not 3%


ButtBlock t1_j4kkdip wrote

But every time a housing development gets discussed a giant army of NIMBYs get enraged and nothing gets done. Developments end up being stupid fucking strip malls, fancy grocery stores, not giant apartment buildings. This contingent needs to get fought at the state level before this problem gets any better. Think of the GDP growth Mass is missing out on! Imagine how many more people would move to MA if housing wasn’t a total disaster!


ButtBlock t1_j0le5jq wrote

Yeah like if you’re ruling out acute myelopathy or stroke or something. But subacute headaches? That’s prob going to be very difficult to justify to insurance companies. And as much as I hate them, they’d kind of be right not to cover this in an inpatient setting. Those machines are usually at capacity dealing with actual emergent/urgent stuff.


ButtBlock t1_iyqr7po wrote

I have a 2003 car and had a headlight that burned out. Getting the car inspected and they offered to replace it. Was like 3 dollars with a little bit of labor. Was chatting with the mechanic and he said that the newer cars have these proprietary Light bulbs that are ridiculously expensive like over 20x more expensive. Sounds like expensive consumer-hostile bullshit to me! Hope my car lasts for another 150k miles.


ButtBlock t1_iycsj84 wrote

It’s not just the traffic lights. The whole city is a confusing jumble of stroads, awkward/dangerous left turns across blind curves, narrow winding roads, and busy pedestrian areas. I see a lot of these intersections and think, this should be a roundabout or Left turns should be prohibited here. I hate to think of all of the excess deaths that happen each year from having a dangerous road layout.