CHECK_FLOKI t1_ivauzm6 wrote
Reply to comment by Oeslian in Re: Vermonters' reputed attitude toward out-of-staters by newsandseriousstuff
.... and in turn Vermonters lash out at the wrong people.
Meanwhile the legislature should be the first people getting the brunt of the heat.
CHECK_FLOKI t1_iv5ijrv wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in New England may not have enough natural gas to last the winter by mycophdstudent
Connecticut and Massachusetts are really screwed. Don't forget New York as well.
Vermont and Maine will be fine. In hindsight, the deal with Quebec is looking like a life saver.
CHECK_FLOKI t1_iujjbsq wrote
Reply to comment by Successful_Order_638 in Accurate by seanner_vt2
Universal basic income? Guaranteed housing for every Tom, Dick and Harry too?
How to lose an election should be the title of your manifesto... Comrade. Lol
CHECK_FLOKI t1_iuiv95v wrote
Reply to comment by Successful_Order_638 in Accurate by seanner_vt2
Lol. You think minimum wage increase will solve the problem?
The only way housing/rental costs can go down is by building more units. As long as Burlington does not incentivize more units being built, it's just a race to the highest bidder and then you'd need another minimum wage hike in 5 years.
CHECK_FLOKI OP t1_iu1hnrx wrote
Reply to comment by northbrit007 in FYI, Vermont is the safest state in America. by CHECK_FLOKI
I can't engage with you in good faith when you're comparing an idyllic sleepy state in America with Guatemala. And what is this contorted statistic about violent crime you keep repeating?
I have a feeling that you have an agenda.
CHECK_FLOKI OP t1_iu1g4si wrote
Reply to comment by northbrit007 in FYI, Vermont is the safest state in America. by CHECK_FLOKI
We have the lowest crime rate in the nation. The nation includes new England. Are you picking and choosing data to fit a narrative?
CHECK_FLOKI t1_iu0wudi wrote
Reply to comment by DicNavis in Hockey in Connecticut by poorlywrittenriffs
I agree. Allain is a good coach and the players respect him - - for good reason too, but the team has been slowly going downhill since 2015 even before covid.
Yale has never been past the quartfinal stages in ECAC championships since 2016 i believe, and the team has good talent so idk what the problem is frankly. I hear what you say about covid, but I don't think that's strong enough as an excuse for the performance.
CHECK_FLOKI t1_itzv372 wrote
Reply to Hockey in Connecticut by poorlywrittenriffs
Well the Yale hockey team (men and women) has been shit for years. The women's performance last year was a welcome surprise. The men's team sucks like they always have.
And yes, Hartford needs a hockey team.
CHECK_FLOKI OP t1_itxq8gr wrote
Reply to comment by RetardedCommentMaker in FYI, Vermont is the safest state in America. by CHECK_FLOKI
A one way ticket to Baghdad is cheap this time of the year.
CHECK_FLOKI t1_ivdjcy9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Re: Vermonters' reputed attitude toward out-of-staters by newsandseriousstuff
Excellent write up. Please consider running for office. I'm sick of meme candidates and eagle face litterers everywhere.