COVID_2019 t1_iwi39sw wrote
Reply to comment by Graflex01867 in Curious about drivers merging onto the highway by EthicalBribes
>Try that with our short, sharply-curved on ramps
Is this particularly bad in the North Shore area? I remember driving up Salem a few times when I was younger and thought the on ramps were a joke. Like <40 feet for merging distance. Maybe I was young and just attributed it to the area, but I never liked driving north shore anyway.
COVID_2019 t1_iwi2b9m wrote
Reply to comment by 01Zaphod in Real ID licenses? by Background-Bee1271
Not a bad play honestly. I'm the polar opposite, as I got the real ID AND passport because I love to travel! I'll share your tip with some of my friends who hate to travel who don't have Real ID yet.
COVID_2019 t1_iw4trog wrote
Reply to comment by kamikaziboarder in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
Hahaha no worries! Found the post!
It was in rare insults. Here's a link to it.
COVID_2019 t1_iw4s3kq wrote
Reply to comment by kamikaziboarder in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
>You soggy towel
This is almost as good as the "wet wipe" insult I saw earlier lol.
COVID_2019 t1_is9xvvm wrote
Reply to comment by JBorrelli12 in I already miss the summer trails in The Whites by JBorrelli12
I often forget which sub I'm on, but the comments can normally help me tell 😅 I enjoy your posts on /r/wmnf!
Happy Friday!
COVID_2019 t1_is9hkt7 wrote
Reply to comment by kmkmrod in I already miss the summer trails in The Whites by JBorrelli12
There is such a stark contrast in attitude between /r/newhampshire and /r/wmnf.
COVID_2019 t1_is1d5v9 wrote
Reply to Abandoned Train Tunnel - Clinton, MA by Dtoppy
COVID_2019 t1_iwl1fqw wrote
Reply to comment by PinheadLarry2323 in Friendly reminder now that winter is upon us. This is taken from the New Hampshire Driver's manual. by benisfast
True, New England fashion.