
CQU617 t1_iujuhq0 wrote

I am voting in person because I am sick and tired of this BS.

For the record, I am voting Fetterman and Shapiro because I have contributed to Social Security my entire life and I find it disgusting that any group in the land of the free is marginalized and all of your sitting by silently shame on you.

Vote D until Trumpism is eradicated


CQU617 OP t1_ism04tx wrote

Really you tell me why this an exact replica of the Aubrey matter.

I am not sure why now that you know his educational level is on par, why you are questioning what he has done with them. Is actually true public service a problem for you? Are you enraged he decided to join Americorps and do actual public service. Not being smart, but really tell me what he should have done with all his degrees.

Full disclosure: I have 3 degrees myself and no one ever though I should do better, at least not to my face lol.


CQU617 OP t1_isl6xo3 wrote

All I do know about the jogger event is this and I have to say it’s compelling.


The jogger does not think about his incident should stymie his senate bid and underscored it multiple times given all the good he did for Braddock.

At least outside the incident itself you know Fetterman is for 2A.

Edit: Fetterman literally did NOT do the same thing I am very surprised that you would compare the 2 events.


CQU617 OP t1_iskc83h wrote

Many many people say Oz who remains a Turkish citizen and cannot get top security clearance is not the better man to represent Pennsylvanians.

You seemingly forget the Fetterman was Mayor of Braddock and worked in non-profits for the betterment of others his entire life

He also has multiple degrees and an MPP from Harvard. Did you know?

Right. Stay off Parler.


CQU617 OP t1_isf151q wrote

There are a lot of traitors in the GOP and there is no way I can trust any of them especially those who tried to take our votes away in Pennsylvania. Texas v. Pennsylvania asked to negate the votes of the entire Commonwealth and that is BS.

It really sickens me to look at the 1/6 video and think wow that is our fellow citizens who believes the lies of a malignant narcissist who doesn’t give one Flying F about leadership or governing or our Rule of Law. The Tangerine 🍊 Traitor only gives a crap about grifting money and himself.