CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j11bnhl wrote
Reply to comment by Optimal-Firefighter9 in Which theory about aliens is the most likely? by [deleted]
I didn’t claim that. I claimed we don’t know whether or not they were intelligent and we don’t. How could we? We weren’t there.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j0yziy0 wrote
Reply to comment by Optimal-Firefighter9 in Which theory about aliens is the most likely? by [deleted]
So feel free to share some of these scientific reasons that dinosaurs at best were as smart as the dumbest birds of today. I’ll eagerly wait.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j0yroy3 wrote
Reply to comment by Optimal-Firefighter9 in Which theory about aliens is the most likely? by [deleted]
That we think we know. We don’t actually. We can only guess.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j0yrep2 wrote
Reply to comment by HollowVoices in Which theory about aliens is the most likely? by [deleted]
Where’s this millions of years of stability you speak of?
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j0yr7rp wrote
Reply to comment by Optimal-Firefighter9 in Which theory about aliens is the most likely? by [deleted]
Maybe dinosaurs were intelligent. We don’t know.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j05gqp6 wrote
Reply to comment by Infamous-Happy223 in Anyone see the meteor around 7:20 tonight? by Keeperofthe3
Probably because he’s a dead pre boomer Republican.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iy7yq4e wrote
Reply to comment by mischavus618 in 5-officers-to-be-charged-for-involvement-in-arrest-that-left-new-haven-man-paralyzed by NLCmanure
Ok. No need to downvote a simple question.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iy7y1nf wrote
Reply to comment by mischavus618 in 5-officers-to-be-charged-for-involvement-in-arrest-that-left-new-haven-man-paralyzed by NLCmanure
It doesn’t?
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_ixlwq1s wrote
Reply to comment by ChordsHeavy in What is this? by Heddlok
Do you?
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_ixlwma6 wrote
Reply to What is this? by Heddlok
A giant cigarette.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_ixh5n6f wrote
Reply to comment by dumbthrow33 in RI is getting legal weed shops before CT. by UptownDonkey
We’re the land of steady habits for a reason.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iupo4mw wrote
While I agree, we’ve made it this far, there’s only a week to go.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iui106e wrote
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iuhrr39 wrote
Reply to comment by Personal-Ad-7407 in Here's a map of former, major stagecoach routes and major inter-town highways in CT. The map is not exhaustive, but it shows CT before many "newer" towns were formed/incorporated and gives a good sense for how development was prioritized. by CTHistory42
It’s really cool to walk through the woods and see an East Hartford/Wethersfield town line sign followed, about a half mile later, by a Glastonbury/Wethersfield town line sign. There’s even a reason for it but I don’t remember what. I’ll go look and update.
Turns out it was a flood. This is a cool article about the area.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iuhk26n wrote
Reply to comment by Personal-Ad-7407 in Here's a map of former, major stagecoach routes and major inter-town highways in CT. The map is not exhaustive, but it shows CT before many "newer" towns were formed/incorporated and gives a good sense for how development was prioritized. by CTHistory42
An infuriatingly tiny part of Wethersfield is between East Hartford and Glastonbury. You can walk through it on the Goodwin University river trail.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iuhjjvd wrote
Reply to comment by Affectionate-Newt889 in Just got home from work overnight, downtown is absolutely destroyed. Temple Plaza was literally ripped apart. by AtheismTooStronk
Which is inferior to L.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iuakqwg wrote
Reply to comment by deceptacle1980 in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
It will never be your financial responsibility if it’s never born. Fact.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iu9l1lw wrote
Reply to comment by deceptacle1980 in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
Big whoop. It’s still not your business.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iu8tkre wrote
Reply to comment by deceptacle1980 in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
No, it’s a fact.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iu8te6u wrote
Reply to comment by deceptacle1980 in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
And it doesn’t affect society as a whole either. It’s literally nobody’s business but the pregnant person and their doctor.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iu8t8vr wrote
Reply to comment by deceptacle1980 in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
You are aware they aren’t kids, right? Make sure you wrap up or your potential crotch goblins may get aborted. Which would probably help society. One of you is far more than enough.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iu8r8u3 wrote
Reply to comment by deceptacle1980 in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
Recreational abortion. Lol you be tripping. And even if it were a thing, so what. It affects your life in no way whatsoever.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iu8qlmg wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
Bidumb. Lol. Did you come up with that all by yourself?
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_iu8qh7l wrote
Reply to comment by deceptacle1980 in Vote 2022: Stefanowski says he ‘misspoke’ about limiting abortion access to first trimester by Usedtoknowsomeone46
You about to get slammed for this. Lol.
CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j1ag0y4 wrote
Reply to Traveling and the impending winter storm. by Sneaky-er
E. Hope you don’t lose power or none of the rest will matter.