CapnGrundlestamp t1_j9n0qkw wrote
Reply to comment by angroro in Curiosity killed the... by LoudlyTrashy
I always felt safer when mine was in his terrarium.
CapnGrundlestamp t1_j9mtx6i wrote
Reply to Curiosity killed the... by LoudlyTrashy
Looks like a Tokay gecko, those fuckers are mean.
CapnGrundlestamp t1_j4i8upx wrote
Reply to My friend learning how to jump by shipj9
I watched this eight times in a row waiting for him to nail it.
CapnGrundlestamp t1_jdba377 wrote
Reply to comment by NordicDrummer in If you could hear only one artist’s discography for the rest of your life by mylowerbackhurts
Never even heard of him but now I’m listening. Thanks!