
CaptainObvious110 t1_j29gbws wrote

If you're a hermit then I don't see why it would be a problem to move there. You would be living in a house so as long as you get along with the relative you would be just fine. You'll save a ton of money so can make the place even more comfortable to be in a lot so yeah this is great


CaptainObvious110 t1_j234b17 wrote

Flix bus is an option as well. $15.99 Not sure how convenient this option is to your destination but at least it's something.

I've used it to go to DC from Baltimore and vice versa but never anywhere else. I do know that lots of people use it to go from NYC to DC and back and that's definitely a lot longer than from Baltimore and Philadelphia.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j1i6qsu wrote

I'm curious as to how long this has been going on? I certainly feel bad for the guy who clearly needed help before things got to this point in the first place.

At the same time, this is more than an issue of what is aesthetically pleasing it's a serious health issue for other residents as well and that simply cannot go on.

I don't want to see him put out but this can't go on.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j1i5fib wrote

Goodness I do too. I miss the summer so very much and I hope to set things up to where I can go to Florida for a week or two during the winter to be away from this nonsense for a while.

Just the same, it did stay warm in November so that's something positive.

Also, it will be about 65 f on January 1st.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j0gt5xn wrote

Reply to comment by S-Kunst in Bolton Hill from Capitol Hill by ames2k20

Wow! Very good analogy of the pearl. I will definitely be using this for sure. The media truly sucks for manipulating people the way they do but honestly It's helping to keep the prices down here quite a bit.

I also remember DC when it was still the Murder Capital and a lot different than it is now