CaptainObvious110 t1_j79gjph wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in The new Lexington Market is so disappointing by sleaziep
I am going to go there soon and write about my experience there. I was there a few months ago and it said that various vendors were coming at that time.
Healthy Choice was once at Lexington Market but they ended up closing up. Ironically enough, there food was anything but healthy but it was delicious and inexpensive. Like a full container of food that was enough for at least two meals was about $10.00.
There were several vendors that had fried chicken. I will agree that that was over kill. But I loved the places that had the turkey wings and turkey legs as well.
It's not just about having food there it's having it available at a price point that is affordable to someone that's been going to Lexington Market for years.
That's what I think people are missing in this subreddit and it's really annoying to see how people are instead of being empathetic that others simply don't have the economic resources that they do. You may not want to eat certain foods, but what about folks that do?
CaptainObvious110 t1_j79fijf wrote
Reply to The new Lexington Market is so disappointing by sleaziep
This is what people wanted, and this is what we have. I was there a few months ago and I absolutely was NOT impressed at all.
Very little in terms of communal space as compared to the old building and where are the breakfast places that had such inexpensive food? There was an entire market in the old building, plenty of food that was inexpensive in general.
But no. People don't care about that when they have plenty of money. So it's basically like, if you aren't loaded like us then you absolutely do not matter and that's putting it quite nicely.
You have R House, Mr Vernon market place and even though I absolutely love it White Hall market. Cross St Market and Broadway Market have been completely bastardized as well. Why isn't that enough?
CaptainObvious110 t1_j74g9z7 wrote
Reply to comment by Animanialmanac in Does anyone wonder where their tax dollars are going? by Nicktendo
Aha! Problem goes the the top. It's a shame that the laws don't close the gap and force accountability when it comes to people who are supposed to be working for the public regardless of who that person or persons may be
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73w6zf wrote
Reply to comment by Animanialmanac in Does anyone wonder where their tax dollars are going? by Nicktendo
There has to be someone above her that has the authority to put an end to those "special deals". Not to mention she should be removed immediately for that foolishness as well.
What really kills me about this city is how easy it is to be unethical here. There aren't many checks and balances and that's something that's been going on for decades and needs to stop.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73epsk wrote
Reply to comment by DrainTheClock in Does anyone wonder where their tax dollars are going? by Nicktendo
To be fair, they aren't exactly broke and they have a large footprint in the city.
Both can take place and it would be fine for them.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73e4j9 wrote
Reply to comment by CrazyPerUsual in Does anyone wonder where their tax dollars are going? by Nicktendo
Ok make the county residents pay for their share of the water. We know what the problem is clearly so it's a matter of actually doing something about it
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73dy6r wrote
Reply to comment by dcdave3605 in Does anyone wonder where their tax dollars are going? by Nicktendo
I just checked a few days ago and the site said there was no openings available.
I'll double check that in a bit and see what happens
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73dpdc wrote
Reply to comment by Animanialmanac in Does anyone wonder where their tax dollars are going? by Nicktendo
It should be illegal for that to happen and that councilwoman as well as her friends and whoever else is involved in that scheme should be properly dealt with
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73d120 wrote
Hardee's. I haven't been to one in decades
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73d0jq wrote
Hardee's. I haven't been to one in decades
CaptainObvious110 t1_j73come wrote
Reply to comment by rockybalBOHa in First Latina to be crowned Miss Coppin State University faces backlash by PleaseBmoreCharming
Going back to my own experience growing up my elementary school was at least 60-70% Hispanic with the rest being black and maybe five Asian students. No white students despite the neighborhood having a large population of white folks. The white students went to other schools that were rather homogeneous.
It wasn't until I came to Baltimore that I went to school with white students and that was at Gardenville elementary.
Middle school was 100% black. I would say that it wasn't a horrible school education wise but then again it's pretty hard to get a decent education when you have a bunch of kids that have severe behavior problems.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j6vpojg wrote
Reply to comment by Dangerous_Wave in Bojangles is coming to Baltimore by Somali_Pir8
Yeah I agree with you there
CaptainObvious110 t1_j6uy06j wrote
Reply to Bojangles is coming to Baltimore by Somali_Pir8
Would rather have Church's chicken or Roy Rogers
CaptainObvious110 t1_j60w6px wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in James Beard Awards recognize Ekiben and Foraged chefs — but not Cindy Wolf by Cody_in_Baltimore
What did you order and what in your opinion could be improved? Is it the flavor or portion size or price?
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5vys3k wrote
Reply to comment by TheCaptainDamnIt in Gov. Moore announces his transportation secretary by GovernorOfReddit
Can you imagine how it comes across to someone that's actually from there? When chocolate is always being complained about by vanilla? It gets so old real quick and it's why I respond the way I do to it.
These are people that don't know what it's like to go to a school that absolutely sucks. They don't know what it's like to be treated like you don't belong in the very city you grew up in. Or being pushed out of a neighborhood where many of your family members once lived. I experienced that and it really, really sucks.
It's not even about race per se, at least I don't want to think that way even if it's being incredibly naive. I think it's a class issue. They treat DC natives as if they are better than us and that absolutely rubs me the wrong way.\
Here in Baltimore I have met people that are a lot more welcoming and friendly. Ironically enough, I was able to finally find peace despite the awful reputation of this city and that truly makes me smile.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5vxne4 wrote
Reply to comment by app_priori in Gov. Moore announces his transportation secretary by GovernorOfReddit
I am absolutely loving this comment. You are very accurate with the way you describe that subreddit. As someone who was actually born and raised in DC it annoys me when the transplants complain about the city as it is now.
They have no idea how the red carpet has been laid out for them while decades long issues with the native residents continue to go ignored. DC as it is is safer now than it's been in many, many years and they don't get it because they don't know anything about it's history. All they care about is the money that's available for them to make. Once they have satisfied themselves they will be leaving anyway. Unfortunately some of them will end up here.
Frankly, it's very similar here in Baltimore. People move here with no knowledge of the neighborhood they are going to except that it may be trendy and they end up woefully disappointed as a result.
What's so hard about doing a little homework first? Oh wait! That would require initiative and a measure of common sense which sadly is an endangered species these days.
I moved to Baltimore several years ago and made my home here, while I know it has it's warts,bumps, and bruises it also has a lot of charm. Sometimes what shines isn't gold and you have to remember that diamonds are ugly rocks until they are cut the right way, It's all in how you look at it.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5vvigh wrote
Reply to comment by Expendable_Red_Shirt in James Beard Awards recognize Ekiben and Foraged chefs — but not Cindy Wolf by Cody_in_Baltimore
Agreed. Ni Hao is amazing. As is the Charming Elephant which is very close to it. Oh and don't let me forget Katana either.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5vvct4 wrote
Reply to comment by umbligado in James Beard Awards recognize Ekiben and Foraged chefs — but not Cindy Wolf by Cody_in_Baltimore
I don't think that any one should be offended about a particular food place not being chosen here. I am sure it has been on plenty of positive lists of great food in this city and will continue to do so so no big deal at all.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5vv3w2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in James Beard Awards recognize Ekiben and Foraged chefs — but not Cindy Wolf by Cody_in_Baltimore
I have yet to eat at Ekiben and it's true that it is talked about here quite a bit as if it's super awesome. I guess by it being hyped up so much it makes some people doubt it even more.
Once I try it, I'll give my thoughts on it and go from there.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5vuu7e wrote
Reply to comment by XanderCruse in James Beard Awards recognize Ekiben and Foraged chefs — but not Cindy Wolf by Cody_in_Baltimore
I agree with you 100%. It's good to have something so unique in the city and I look forward to getting over there again soon.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5nlpqh wrote
Reply to comment by SnooRevelations979 in Favorite hole in the wall restaurants in Baltimore? by FindAndDine
They do have awesome food there for sure
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5mj3nk wrote
Reply to comment by mytokhondria in Thinking of moving to Bolton Hill by over_the_seal
Police aren't always around at the moment you need them
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5mj13k wrote
Reply to comment by kosherkenny in Thinking of moving to Bolton Hill by over_the_seal
How did Federal hill get too crazy?
CaptainObvious110 t1_j5lzllv wrote
Reply to comment by Crlady in Thinking of moving to Bolton Hill by over_the_seal
You're giving very good advice. The problem is that we live in a time where people are resistant to the idea of situational awareness. It's not taught in school and parents aren't teaching it either so folks are constantly putting themselves in danger without even being aware of it.
CaptainObvious110 t1_j7cs3if wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in The new Lexington Market is so disappointing by sleaziep
The communal space was upstairs on the second floor it was a pretty big space as well.
As for Mt Vernon Marketplace, R House and White Hall. I think it's good that they exist. The last one again I am extremely fond of.
As for something that is supposed to be one of Baltimore City Public Markets I am strongly against them BECOMING food halls. A food hall just doesn't have the same energy as a public market does nor does it offer the inexpensive food choices that the public markets do either.