CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9xo4d wrote
You specified NO CAR but I promise folks will ignore that and recommend places that require you to have a car anyway.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9xem3 wrote
Having grown up here I have always lived close to some really nice wooded areas. My goodness are you in the right place
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9x9jp wrote
Reply to comment by Playful-Translator49 in Best places to “get out into nature” that are accessible? by lmboyer04
Shhh Don't give away my spot
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9x71c wrote
Reply to comment by Rooster_Ties in Best places to “get out into nature” that are accessible? by lmboyer04
So true
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9x44m wrote
Reply to comment by MF_Doomed in Best places to “get out into nature” that are accessible? by lmboyer04
Stay by the zoo
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9x1tp wrote
Reply to comment by Caroleena77 in Best places to “get out into nature” that are accessible? by lmboyer04
Lol! Reading comprehension is always an issue in threads like this
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9wyeq wrote
Reply to comment by IcyWillow1193 in Best places to “get out into nature” that are accessible? by lmboyer04
Yeah Bladensburg Waterfront Park is really nice and easy to get to.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9wqmm wrote
Reply to comment by AHairyFishsticks in True hole in the wall DC Diners by dcguy000
Wow I haven't eaten there in ages
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9wndy wrote
Reply to comment by dirtypinksweatshirt in True hole in the wall DC Diners by dcguy000
Oh wow don't forget the one in silver spring
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9vhzd wrote
Reply to True hole in the wall DC Diners by dcguy000
Do you mean DC or are places in MD or VA acceptable as well?
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9vedw wrote
Reply to comment by Otree38 in True hole in the wall DC Diners by dcguy000
I've been there before and I really like that place.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9bg4t wrote
Reply to comment by Dear_Art_5845 in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
I'm not talking about those people.
Even when we are talking about elderly dependents you act like Metro Access doesn't exist or Uber or Lyft. It's not as if those elderly folks don't have a way to get where they are going and chances are they don't need to go there every single day either.
I would also say that it's not like those elderly folks don't have friends or other family members that can't possibly help out and take turns taking them where they need to go.
As far as children they make bicycles that can easily accommodate several children. I've seen them in DC myself and would love to see them more often. There are ways around what may seem to be a major issue if one is willing to think outside the box.
Granted, I wouldn't recommend the bike when there is snow or ice on the ground. Having done it myself I know that really sucks.
Also, if it's raining I can see that being an issue as well mostly because people drive like retards in the rain as if they have never experienced it before.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9ao5h wrote
Reply to comment by Not_A_Hemsworth in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
That's cool. Just take your time and really research what's around so you can get what you really want.
Personally I would love an electric bicycle but my goodness the choices can make that a daunting task indeed.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9a3nu wrote
Reply to comment by Quelcris_Falconer13 in Man in Coma After Hit-and-Run Crash in DC by MrSpontaneous
Oh ok
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7qx8h wrote
Reply to comment by Quelcris_Falconer13 in Man in Coma After Hit-and-Run Crash in DC by MrSpontaneous
If they are rich then their insurance rates going up wouldn't be nearly as much a problem as it would be a poor person.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7qgpa wrote
Reply to comment by Mr5t1k in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7qcls wrote
Reply to comment by resdivinae in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7qbfc wrote
Reply to comment by TimAppleBurner in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
Hmm I'll go as high as a third
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7qaij wrote
Reply to comment by thezhgguy in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7q1gr wrote
Reply to comment by professor__doom in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
Oh wow even the grandma? That's crazy but yeah might as well at that point so everyone isn't held up
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7ppkb wrote
Reply to comment by Not_A_Hemsworth in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
Yeah, I got one bike in summer of 2020 ( when new ones that weren't expensive were scarce). And then got a folding bike a few months later.
Riding a bike has really changed my life. During the height of the Pandemic it was nice to not deal with the stress of being on a bus with crazy people. Not having to wait for the bus at all either. I just rode my bike just about wherever I wanted to go.
Then I started doing food delivery with my bike as well so being able to earn money with something I had already turned into an absolutely wonderful benefit to my life.
Think about it..buying a bicycle it's yours. There is no multi month payment on it. No insurance is necessary no gas just feed yourself and your good to go
I also love how it helps my stress levels as well. Before I had a bike I did a whole lot of walking but it makes getting groceries a lot easier as well as doing my laundry. All in all I am on my bicycle a whole lot and because I have two I can always choose which one I want to ride lol
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7os6w wrote
Reply to comment by Torn8oz in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
Maintenance costs and stress for you. Plus you still pay for insurance and gas as well.
That $500 you spent on your engine would pay for one of my bicycles or be half of what I paid for both of them. They are MINE. Now, I might have to replace an inner tube or even a tire here and there with an inner tube being less than $10.00 (I would save money if I did it myself as well).
I'm just thinking about the costs that come with a car and for ME it's just not worth it.
I'd rather contribute to gas for friends and save money for trips than to have my own car
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7ok4d wrote
Reply to comment by Not_A_Hemsworth in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
Yeah, forget all that. I'd rather ride my bicycle. Which covers the bulk of anything I'm likely to do each week anyway.
Other than that I can ride with a friend or family member, Uber, bus or train.
I just wouldn't have much of a reason to have a car at all.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7ocdf wrote
Reply to comment by EverybodyBeCalm in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
Good point tear up the roads and don't contribute to its infrastructure costs just makes their money and go back home
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9xqrn wrote
Reply to Best places to “get out into nature” that are accessible? by lmboyer04
Fort Mahan park, fort Slocum park