
CaptainObvious110 t1_iu9bg4t wrote


I'm not talking about those people.

Even when we are talking about elderly dependents you act like Metro Access doesn't exist or Uber or Lyft. It's not as if those elderly folks don't have a way to get where they are going and chances are they don't need to go there every single day either.

I would also say that it's not like those elderly folks don't have friends or other family members that can't possibly help out and take turns taking them where they need to go.

As far as children they make bicycles that can easily accommodate several children. I've seen them in DC myself and would love to see them more often. There are ways around what may seem to be a major issue if one is willing to think outside the box.

Granted, I wouldn't recommend the bike when there is snow or ice on the ground. Having done it myself I know that really sucks.

Also, if it's raining I can see that being an issue as well mostly because people drive like retards in the rain as if they have never experienced it before.


CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7ppkb wrote

Yeah, I got one bike in summer of 2020 ( when new ones that weren't expensive were scarce). And then got a folding bike a few months later.

Riding a bike has really changed my life. During the height of the Pandemic it was nice to not deal with the stress of being on a bus with crazy people. Not having to wait for the bus at all either. I just rode my bike just about wherever I wanted to go.

Then I started doing food delivery with my bike as well so being able to earn money with something I had already turned into an absolutely wonderful benefit to my life.

Think about it..buying a bicycle it's yours. There is no multi month payment on it. No insurance is necessary no gas just feed yourself and your good to go

I also love how it helps my stress levels as well. Before I had a bike I did a whole lot of walking but it makes getting groceries a lot easier as well as doing my laundry. All in all I am on my bicycle a whole lot and because I have two I can always choose which one I want to ride lol


CaptainObvious110 t1_iu7os6w wrote

Maintenance costs and stress for you. Plus you still pay for insurance and gas as well.

That $500 you spent on your engine would pay for one of my bicycles or be half of what I paid for both of them. They are MINE. Now, I might have to replace an inner tube or even a tire here and there with an inner tube being less than $10.00 (I would save money if I did it myself as well).

I'm just thinking about the costs that come with a car and for ME it's just not worth it.

I'd rather contribute to gas for friends and save money for trips than to have my own car